
Reflections on "Hayom Yom": Cheshvan 12

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Reflections on "Hayom Yom": Cheshvan 12

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Rob Nashville, TN October 25, 2015

Beautiful! So full of life and enthusiasm. Thank you. Reply

Moshe Steiner November 19, 2012

Elokeinu as our Life and Strength Thanks for your positive feedback and question! Examining the word "El" (root word of Elokeinu) in other contexts is instructive. See for example the first verse of Psalm 29 in Tehilim, "bnei elim" which means children of the mighty ones. If "el" means might and strength, it follows that "Elokeinu" can also be interpeted as our strength, energy and vitality. Reply

Fr Dominic Borg,ocd Malta November 9, 2012

Shema Ysrael Hayom Yom Cheshavn (12) To my regret, this is my first time that I tapped in these short Reflections by Rabbi Moshe Steiner. Excellent speaker..clear, well versed..and inspirational. For sure I will spread such light to my friends. Baruch HaShem.
May I ask, in a very positive spirit, how does the Rebbe come to the conclusion that Eloikenu can also mean ... our life...? . Very interested. Thanks again for a job well done..Please keep it up...EXCELLENT... Reply