
Letters of Light: Chet

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Letters of Light: Chet

This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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Letters, Aleph-Beit, Chet

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Pamala Gilbert, AZ September 6, 2017

Todah Rabah, Rabbi Raskin Rabbi Raskin, Todah Rabah for the great insight you bring to our journey in Hashem and the Lashon HaKodesh. You always present your lessons in just the perfect measure — concise yet with the appropriate amount of heartfelt depth that provokes students as an appetizer to desire more. Baruch Hashem! Reply

Rabbi Raskin Bklyn hts July 31, 2017

Simple meaning if Ches: 1)Cut off or 2)freedom Reply

June Revell Lakeland, Florida July 28, 2017

All I am looking for is a simple definition of the letter--why is it so hard to find out the meanings of the letter in the Hebrew alphabet?? Reply

Anonymous Kansas city, s November 10, 2012

Daas Thanks for comments on Daas, and the precise definition Reply

This series explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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