
Jacob’s Greatest Adversary

Parshah Nuggets:Vayeishev

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Jacob's Greatest Adversary: Parshah Nuggets:Vayeishev

Our father Jacob was victorious over many a formidable adversary in his lifetime. However, there was one source of opposition that he could not overcome.
Galut, Jewish Unity, Alshich, R. Moshe, Jacob, Vayeishev

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a yid November 3, 2017

Todah. One observation: The Jewish people had to go down to Mitzrayim for tikkunim... they had to redeem sparks going back to chet b'Gan Eden. The question is, did they have to go down for servitude or just be down there? Reply

schellie ware November 2, 2017

Toda, ma navu... Reply

Kenny priest Netherlands August 29, 2014

Very interesting,,,so what,s the message,,,many family,s have problems and separate but if they remained together problems would or could still arise but that they would be stronger? Thank you Rabbi for excercising my mind. I dont know if my thinking is correct but i realize from something that seems so simple there can be many schools of thought and a much deeper underlying message, Reply

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