
Letters of Light: Hei

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Letters of Light: Hei

This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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Letters, Hey, Aleph-Beit

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Claudia Regina Brazil February 27, 2016

Shalom shalom,

I really liked the understanding Andre Ranulfo. Só, give birth is a materialization of love when we make love! However what does happen with those poor children that was done under ripe or worse sicunstances?! How thougts and itelect worked together in this acionado?! Do you guys understand my question? Is that aplicable to the meaning of the letter or not? Reply

Ross Bay Area, CA November 2, 2015

Speech vs Action From my experience, speech tends to rob action. It is almost as if speaking of a design or intention diminishes the passion that fuels the manifestation process. Reply

Flo November 12, 2014

Thank you Rabbi! Reply

Andr� Ranulfo October 29, 2012

Hand and give birth. I had an insight. As the rabbi said, Hei has e meaning of action. Thought and speech are together instead action is separated.

If you understand action as a way to materialize our thoughts and speeches, so give birth is actually another materialization of thought and speech.

Or, maybe I'm wrong... Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, MD USA October 16, 2012

Letter Hei Shalom Rabbi:

Another great explanation of this letter.

Thank you Rabbi. Have a great day in the blessing of joy. Reply

This series explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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