
Letters of Light: Aleph

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Letters of Light: Aleph

This class explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
Letters of Light Aleph  
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Letters, Aleph, Aleph-Beit

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Kathleen Arnold Rosamond, California via JewishTV iOS September 25, 2023

Very informative on the teachings, hidden meanings behind the Aramaic alphabet Reply

Chantal Connecticut April 1, 2023

Great teaching. Thank you! Reply

km Louisiana :( via JewishTV Android February 13, 2023

do u have advice for someone (with a strong "Jewish spark") wishing to convert to Chabad but the nearest Chabad is 3 hours away, and I dont have the funding to move there? Reply

שמחה ווקר בית שמש July 14, 2020

Light of the nations - not light unto the nations Reply

Roland Leblanc Canada April 4, 2018

Thanks for giving such an easy to understand explanation of the letter Aleph
Roland ♀ Reply

Roland Leblanc Canada March 29, 2018

Thank you so much for sharing; ♀ and ם Reply

Patrick Myers September 15, 2017

Hello thank you for thease classes .i wanted to let you know that I was having issues watching them though...it kept cutting out and skipping over key information.this was only on the first video though.i will move on to the second one and see how it goes. Reply

km louisiana via JewishTV Android February 13, 2023
in response to Patrick Myers:

i am also a Myers Reply

M. Diane Flushing, NY September 7, 2016

Thank you so much Rabbi Raskin for these lessons and your book! This is so fun! B"H, Your book "Letters of Light" is great! I have it in front of me, laptop on the side so I can hear your lecture as I practice writing the letters and as I learn about their meaning and gematria, etc. I am in a kind of heaven! I sent an email to the email address on the back fly jacket before i thought you might not get it easily. Your book was delivered at a perfect time! Receiving it brought me out of a little doldrums I was in. ((By the way, I recently learned that 'doldrums' refers to a place in the seas where there is no (or very little) wind. In the time before motors, ships that were not careful to avoid the area got stranded there on water for weeks or longer until sufficient wind came to carry them out of the doldrums. Am I the only person who did not know that?)) Anyway, receiving "Letters of Life" took me right out of my doldrums. I'm sailing along again!! Thank G-d! Thanks for writing it, these lessons and everything. (The alef I just made looks realllly decent!) Shalom Reply

s UK June 21, 2016

Thank you Respectfully Rabbi Raskin,
Your teaching of Mnemonics has now lead me to learning the Aleph Bet, maybe I am learning back to front, but I truly feel I am achieving after studying over a year without a specific curriculum. Again thank you. and may HaShem continue to bless all your hard work. Reply

Cláudia Brazil February 24, 2016

Congratulation.I would love to get to learn Hebrew and be able to read the Torah. Reply

Anonymous via chabadnm.org May 13, 2014

Finally I think the Jews are finally getting it. We must bring the world to a higher standard in recognition of G-D or the negative forces will take as many nations as it can to its side. We are not here only to save Jews, that is G-D's job specially when we do our job, Teach Torah and true G-D to the whole world. And then you will see how none jews will pay and support Torah scholars to teach them about the true G-D. Reply

Dr. Elyas Fraenkel Isaacs, PhD,DPH,DDiv. New York May 23, 2013

Engineering Hello,

Someone read my comment about "numbers" and asked about engineering. I suppose it is a productive and true question to ask whether or not calculus could be done as effectively using the Hebrew numbers.

Mazel tov! Reply

james cooley Kansas city May 23, 2013

22 letters where does it say the 22 letters? The first verse ,of course!
Thanks for excellent class. Reply

Anonymous NYC February 3, 2013

Great teaching, thank you! I was wanting to learn about the meaning of Aleph and didn't know where to look. Reply

Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin Brooklyn heights January 25, 2013

Letters and dots Dear Monty,

When G-d gave the Torah on Sinai He
Gave the letters and dots(nekudos).
These letters and dots were kept
Secret until Ezra the scribe.

The Kabbala explains that these nekudos
Are too high to be put down in to a Torah
Scroll, there are also other reasons... Reply

Chabad.org Editor January 25, 2013

handout You may find a link to the class handout just below the video player. Reply

Anonymous January 22, 2013

handout Dear Sir,
can you tell me also where i can run off the handout on this subject Reply

Anonymous Bogot�, Colombia December 28, 2012

THANKS FOR THIS POWERFUL AND BEAUTIFUL TEACHINGS!!! G-d bless you forever, Rav Raskin and your family. These teachings give us a breath to our souls. Thanks for illuminating the world with your life.....

Shalom and thanks for all.... Reply

Monty Souther ORAGON. December 19, 2012

letters I understand about the letters and their influences in Creation, but I have a question.

THERE WERE NO VOWELS in the original writing! Also the original writing WAS NOT IN THE SCRIPT THAT WE HAVE TODAY. Reply

nancy telaviv, israel August 31, 2012

thanks for the lecture rabbi! Reply

This series explains the mystical meanings of the Hebrew letters including the significance of the letters' names, their phonetic sounds, their graphic design, and even their corresponding numerical values.
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