
Do-It-Yourself Shabbat Candles

How to Light the Shabbat Candles

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Do-It-Yourself Shabbat Candles: How to Light the Shabbat Candles

Simple-to-follow instructions on how to light the Shabbat candles.
Shabbat Candles, Shabbat

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Ashley Louzon Tampa September 6, 2024

Beautiful thank you❤️ Reply

Samantha July 5, 2024

Tealights are also really cheap for those of us who are broke as a joke. You can find a 50-pack at Walmart for about $3, and $1.25 Tree has 20 packs. I think it makes sense to stock up on them. Reply

Petra Berlin May 18, 2019

I do not understand the prayer - can someone please translate it ?
And what do the movements mean - 3 times from the candles ...
Greetings, Petra Reply

Chabad.org Staff May 19, 2019
in response to Petra:

Sure, please see this link for the translation of the blessing. Reply

Gloria Daytona Beach FL. August 25, 2023
in response to Petra:

We retreat from the busy work week actions the three: action, speech, though. Reply

Joseph Leatherby Iowa March 2, 2021
in response to Chabad.org Staff:

Is it ok to read it in English or do we need to learn it in Hebrew? Reply

Old Curmudgeon via chabadwilmette.com July 13, 2018

Drip cups, a/k/a bulbashes (I'm not sure of the spelling) can be used to protect the candlesticks, so they don't crack or melt. Reply

Anna June 2, 2017

Beautiful, as I add to my journey, an awareness and the lighting of the candles for Shabbat. Reply

Sarah Cohen Keller, Texas January 3, 2017

This was so beautiful and helpful. My daughter wants to start lighting candles with her daughter while on Skype with my mom and me. Four generations now lighting. It's a beautiful thing! Reply

Anonymous October 23, 2015

Thank you, this was very helpful. Reply

David clovis October 5, 2015

thank you Reply

Lorena E. Albuquerque, NM September 4, 2015

Thank you !!! Reply

Chana Benjaminson August 13, 2014

To Amber We may not extinguish flames on the Sabbath (unless there is a life threatening emergency aka a fire), hence we allow the candles to burn out on their own. Most candles last about three hours which is pretty much the same length as the Shabbat meal. Reply

Amber Las Vegas August 12, 2014

Who then blows out the candles? Reply

Betzalel Colorado June 19, 2020
in response to Amber:

Don't blow out the candles, nor the match. Reply

Anonymous November 12, 2013

Beginnings I am trying to become more observant, I decided about two years ago to start lighting candles and making our Shabbat dinner special. My husband was not interested at first, but gradually is getting used to the idea. He last week bought me two Shabbat candlesticks and I will surprise him this week by attempting to say the blessing in Hebrew. This is a terrific site for beginners, who want to learn. Reply

Rochel Chein for chabad.org July 10, 2013

To Rivky Strictly speaking, one candle is sufficient, but as you write, it is customary to light two candles. The commandment to keep Shabbat is mentioned twice in the Torah; we are instructed to "remember" the day of Shabbat, and to "keep" it holy. Therefore, we light two candles, one to represent each term. Some add additional candles as well.

A divorced or widowed woman continues lighting the amount of candles that she has lit in the past. Customs differ regarding one who is single; a rabbi should be consulted. Chabad custom is that a single woman lights one candle. Reply

Rivky NY May 28, 2013

something I just learned this year... Just to point out, a married woman lights two candles for Shabbos - one for Shamor - "Guard the Shabbos" and the other one for Zachor - "Remember the Shabbos". The Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) does not mention them being specifically for her and her husband. (These 2 candles are besides the custom of lighting another candle for each child.)

The implications of this would be that a widowed or divorced woman still lights 2 candles. Similarly, if a single girl is living in her own house, she lights 2 candles for the Shabbos. Single men also light 2 Shabbos candles if they need to light their own.

Please correct me if this is wrong. Reply

Chabad.org Staff March 10, 2013

To Joy The candles do not need to remain lit for 24 hours, rather they should remain lit at least until the kiddush is recited a couple hours after candle lighting time. Reply

joy ca March 9, 2013

Candles Do the candles remain "lit" for the next 24 hours...? when do they get Extinguished..? Reply

Anonymous Monsey July 17, 2012

beautiful!!! very nicely done Reply

Anonymous 0000, Ireland July 15, 2012

lighting the candles i am still learning how to do this and need to learn the blessing. nxt Sabbath will be my 5th. Reply

Yehuda Shurpin for Chabad.org July 17, 2012

Re: Anonymous, Mexico It is true that some Rabbis are of the opinion that it is best that one give a quick glance at the candles in between reciting the blessing and praying, Others (most) hold that it is unnecessary to do so.

Furthermore, they point out that it may be actually preferable not to gaze at the candles until after saying your prayers and requests, since we don't pray in the form of request on the actual Shabbat.(See Piskei Teshuvot on Shulchan Aruch, Orech Chaim 263:4 n. 45 for the various opinions on this).

That said, one should continue to follow the custom of their household, as both ways are valid.


Anonymous Mexico, Mexico July 14, 2012

After reciting the blessing one should look at the candles. (similar to when reciting a blessing on an apple one imediately eats it) Then one may cover the eyes again and pray. Reply

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