
Rambam: Teshuvah, Chapter 10

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Anonymous February 10, 2015

Reward and punishment How can we use ancient concepts from barbaric times like reward and punishment? We study Torah not for reward but so we don't get punished! This is how gangsters behave. Depression comes out of this kind of thinking. The world is a complete wreck and we need redemption not more punishment. This is the way people think reward and punishment. Who needs that. We need healing. True healing not like the doctor who can't even cure the common cold. I am always hearing G-D forbid this and that. I thought G-d was beyond anger and revenge. He is understanding. He knows we live in hell. That's why we need his actual help like at Mt. Sinai. I want to experience him shaking the mountains and lightning and thunder and the blowing of the shofar. We need spiritual power not just physical metaphors and promises and threats. I think the Rambam get too extreme. But I know he lived in heartless times. People need incentive. That's why people are losing hope in religion. People are too obsessed with it. Reply

Daniel Bronx, NY April 29, 2012

Obsession In the shiur the Rav mentions that Rambam says we should strive to obsess over G-d, and gives the example of a man who obsesses and is lovesick for a woman, and then says we should obsess over G-d more than this. What came to my mind is that in our modern society I think obsession, in general, is not considered "healthy" for a person. Obsession would seem to be an extreme behavior, and not on the middle path that is the path that we should generally strive to follow. I am wondering how it is that we are asked to take this extreme behavior on ourselves, and should we not take a more middle road. Hope that question/comment is clear. Reply

Gary Drake Haifa June 19, 2023
in response to Daniel:

I think Mussar philosophy would agree with you. Reply

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