
The Enigmatic Charoset

Symbols of the Seder

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The Enigmatic Charoset: Symbols of the Seder

This class explores the fascinating role of the Charoset and in so doing sheds new light on the personal freedom we are to experience Seder night. (Based on Likkutei Sichot, vol. 32, pp. 44–53.)
Podcast: Subscribe to Moishe New - Commentaries on the Torah
חג הפסח, Seder, Passover, Charoset

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katrin Germany March 27, 2013

One more thing, in case you haven't found it yet, I also would like to recommend this lecture to everyone:

"This is the Bread of Our Affliction"

Both lectures wonderfully add to each other :-)


katrin p. Germany March 27, 2013

You saved our Seder night! Guess what, without you we all would have forgotten this step at the Seder! We all are so blessed to have found this site.
I listened to this lecture three times, and was looking forward to this step at the Seder on Monday to celebrate that we could never sink to the fiftiest level again. At some point the person who led the Seder told us all to make a sandwhich with mazza and marror, and I was thinking...wait a minute...where's my humble charoset? Since I had travelled and this wasn't even "my own" community, I waited for someone to say something, but when noone did, I screamed across the tables: "Where's the humble charoset?" He was looking at me, then looking in his booklet, asking me: "Where did you find this?" I replied: "I know it!" Then he said: "You're right....My apologies everyone, we all take the bitter herbs now and dip them into the charoset..." Baruch HaShem I found this site. Without Chabad, the Community would have missed this step of the Seder. G-d bless you all! Reply

Anonymous austin, tx April 4, 2012

seder excellent learning for holiday Reply

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