
Daily Mitzvah, Day 19: Confessing Sins, Part 3

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Daily Mitzvah, Day 19: Confessing Sins, Part 3

Study the daily lesson of Sefer HaMitzvos for day 19 with Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, where he teaches the mitzvah in-depth with added insight and detail.
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Confession of Sins, Teshuvah, Sefer HaMitzvot

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Anonymous Flagstaff, AZ March 27, 2015

Submitting To G-d's Righteousness For Mitzvot which will redeem Kol Yisroel, confession of sins and t'shuva don't seem to get enough emphasis. You would think worshipping and honoring Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu by acknowledging His gracious manifestation of Himself (as Supremely Righteous) in His righteous condemnation of every evil deed (each being violations of His requirements [Mic 6:8]) through the confession of sin would be given a greater spotlight.

Ex: If we catch a child predator, we feel righteous outrage (in some cases, the father kills the predator and isn't liable) our outrage is a manifestation of our degree of "righteousness" (i.e., a depraved man might be upset the predator was stopped). Even so is G-d's righteous indignation with our heinous violations of His righteous requirements a manifestation of His righteousness.

And if it is a "manifestation", couldn't it also (as a "coordinate") be an opportunity to "know" Him?

I've tried to talk about this the few times I've commented here. Reply

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