
The Joy of Shabbat

Women and Wisdom: Lesson 2

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The Joy of Shabbat: Women and Wisdom: Lesson 2

Discovering the pleasures of immersing ourselves into a complete 25-hour Shabbat experience.

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Dr. Elyas F. Isaacs, Ph.D. New York, NY June 8, 2012

Who Invented The Computer .... First, hooray for Goldie Plotkin. This Shabbos discussion really brings the joy & wonder of Shabbos alive. Let's hope on Friday's as the "Bride of Shabbos" enters homes of Jews worldwide that all homes fill with as much inspired worship & bliss as this.
But & not to be a tiresome GEEK, Bill Gates did NOT invent the computer. It would be hard to say exactly who "invented" the computer. Some would say Charles Babbage. Others might focus on Henry Hollerith. An historian might go to ancient China & the abacus "computer" with Lao Tse or another that had had more impact to the concept of mechanical computation.
My role comes from being one of the top notch mathematics & foundations students precedent to Bill Gates & his Harvard garage software tinkering. I wrote student BASIC language programs around 1967 through a Dartmouth College & MIT investigation on student learning & the use of computers. These along with the efforts of other top students made Bill Gates' MICROSOFT's "Kernal". Reply

anonymous anonymous January 6, 2012

very beautiful just a correction for your story, it happened in ALASKA not HAWAII, in a school full of eskimos Reply

Maya Antwerp, Belgium via chabadantwerp.org December 20, 2011

Hi Goldie

My name is Maya. I live in Anwerp, Belgium. I have been following your lessons on my computer and I enjoy your lessons very, very much. I also like to go to the Chabad lessons in my city but what I enjoy the most is the lessons on my computer in the privacy of my home. Thank you so much, have a happy chanuka. Reply

Anonymous buena Park, Ca. December 15, 2011

Thank You very awesome teaching i really enjoy Goldie's teaching, they are really life-changing. thank you soooo much its helping me to discover my role and purpose in life. Reply

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