
Crowning G‑d as King

The meaning of Rosh Hashanah

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Crowning G-d as King: The meaning of Rosh Hashanah

Rosh Hashanah is not just the start of a new calendar year; it is the renewal of G‑d’s interest in our world that comes as a result of our accepting Him as King.
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Nitzavim-Vayelech, Nitzavim, High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah

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Jeff Akin Conway June 14, 2019

Thank you! I was brought to tears because of the Love (strong passionate devotion) He has shown and desires to show! Your humility inspires me! Reply


A most inspiring and beautifully presented lesson. You are truly blessed, Rabbi. Your messages have great personal meaning. Please accept my deepest appreciation. Reply

Rabbi Moishe New May 9, 2019
in response to JEROME H.POLONSKY:

Thanks for sharing, all the blessings to you! Reply

Ronda Modi'in, israel September 18, 2016

this was a very beautiful and inspiring shiur. I enjoyed your message and your sincere presentation. It made me want to learn more with you. Thank you. shana tova umetuka Reply

Leah September 9, 2015

Beautiful. Thank you. Amen. Reply

Anonymous Charlotte, NC/USA September 17, 2012

Thank you! An wonderful wonderful lesson for a Layman of Jewish Holidays. Bless you always. Thank you! Reply

Irene Glen Burnie, MD USA September 13, 2012

Crowning God as King Thank you for a beautifull lesson. This lesson was a confirmation to me concerning something I said to someone today about being loyal to G-d. Shalom Rabbi; Happy, healthy and sweet New Year. Reply

Binh Tran fremont, ca September 27, 2011

Toda Rabbi! The teaching truly expresses loving-kindness of HaShem for all His creatures, especially you ended with the story how God want to be part of our lives. Thank You Rabbi Moshe. B"H Reply

zeynep ist September 23, 2011

Rosh Hashanah Rabbi New, thank you for so effectively transmitting the Divine passion that is Gifted upon you. I can't imagine any Jewish soul not being touched by it. The Almighty will look at our hearts and will be pleased to see the utmost love we have for Him.

May all of Israel have the sweetest, healthiest, happiest new year yet. Reply

Alvin Milgram San Jose, CA United States September 22, 2011

Rosh HaShana This day is given in the Torah as Yom Teruah. The name Rosh HaShana came from the pagan holiday of Rosh Hashana in Babylon, celebrated twice during the year. Once, at our Rosh HaShana and once 6 months earlier.

The Hebrews in Babylon picked up many things from the pagans. In fact, the names of our Hebrew months are all Babylonian names!!

Rosh HaShana comes 30 days after the beginning of the month followed 10 days later by Yom Kippur (40 days after the beginning of the month). The 30 days refers to the basics needed for Judaism, honoring our Creator. The 40 days is the typical purification period needed for this day of purification!! Reply

Lareny September 22, 2011

TODA RABBA! The image of two gifts we receive from G-d on Rosh Hashanah that you painted for us in this class is very very magnificent! Thank you for bringing more bright colors to the picture we already had been taught about before that Reply

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