
9/11 in the Torah?

Letters and Numbers of Torah - Nitzavim

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9/11 in the Torah?: Letters and Numbers of Torah - Nitzavim

The sages teach that the enlarged letter Lamed in Deut 29:27 "and He cast them into another land" hints to the purpose of exile. How is this connected to the fact that in the following verse, there are precisely 11 dots placed above 11 consecutive letters?
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Nitzavim-Vayelech, Gematria, Letters, Galut, Parshah, September 11, Lamed, Nitzavim

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Rachel June 16, 2022

Baruch HaShem! And Todah rabba Rabbi Raskin, for this informational clarification Shiur. Because it was a world event and because you show light on the prophcy from the Torah, this is a good opportunity to share the proof with others and strengthen their faith in HaShem. I appreciate this very much. Reply

Ari September 13, 2021

Amen! Baruch Hashem and Moshiach now,
G-d willing! Reply

Carmine R. Fragione New Smyrna Beach, FL October 23, 2012

911 in Torah, exactly Ecclesiastes 9:11 "so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them"

The victims of 911 were trapped by evil times that fell upon them unexpectedly. Like fish caught in a cruel net, or as birds taken in a snare. The birds were airplanes, and the towers fell, unexpectedly, while all the innocent people were trapped by events borne of an evil time. Reply

Rabbi Aaron Raskin Bklyn, Ny October 22, 2012

Resurrection of the dead When moshiach comes and the souls go back into the bodies, every Jewish body will be resurrected. Even if one soul shared 10 bodies, all will arise since the soul
will split up into all those bodies. Reply

Rabbi Aaron Raskin Brooklyn , Ny October 22, 2012

11 dots According to minchas shai there are eleven dots, the ayin of 'ad' also has a dot. Reply

moshiach Brooklyn, NEW YORK October 22, 2012

if the soul keeps coming back then how when moshiach comes all of are bodies are coming back. Reply

Maureen W Desert Blume December 6, 2020
in response to moshiach:

Very good thinking! Keep seeking and you will find HIM!!
Shalom! From Canada 🇨🇦 Reply

Mitch Oceanside, CA via jewishoceanside.com October 5, 2012

Thank you Listening, to you speak and explain, I feel a heightened sense of Torah in my life.. Reply

Martha Bogotá, Colombia September 19, 2012

9/11 in the Torah Thank-you for your explanations!
You have to teach all the nations,and we have to learn!
Shalom for Israel Reply

Anonymous Kansas city, Ks,Usa January 19, 2012

11 dots+Deut 29:27 ¡ Fantastic subject ,and oh so beautiful
Hebrew writing! Reply

Rachel June 16, 2022
in response to Anonymous:

Yes. I think so also. And Rabbi the wonderful teaching you provided for the students at the same time.
I also heard a testimony of a man who was in one of the buildings and when trying to leave, decided to help a woman who had been hurt in her leg and had difficulty walking down the stairs. Because he continued helping her all the way out, HaShem provided them both miracles during their search to exit and even escape the fumes of noxious dust when they did arive outside. He thought he was helping her but in the end, she saved his life. Not to mention the family members who had been davening for him as well. This was on Chabad radio, if I remember correctly. Reply

Carmine R. Fragione New Smyrna Beach, FL January 2, 2012

911 in the Bible Ecclesiastes 9:11 Solomon gives a wisdom about time and chance bringing a cruel net and snare when men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them. Ecclesiastes 9:11 to verse 12 tells of a vision of evil times when men are trapped in that which is falling unexpectedly. This does describe the 911 attack, and it is assigned as chapter 9, beginning with verse 11 Reply

Rachel 60098 June 16, 2022
in response to Carmine R. Fragione:

Wow. Just unbelievable. I mean amazing. Do you know how long ago that was written! Or how exact the —it had to be prophecy—was linked to the number! And yet it wasn’t classified as prophecy, per se, just sort of observed wisdom. Sort of a casual comment. Wow. It just brings faith to or Emunah to a person to begin to realize that someone who has been dedicated and selected by HaShem as an emissary from Him, even a casual comment should be noted and taken as a warning if it is a warning. Reply

Catherine NY, NY September 22, 2011

911 it was absolutely fascinating that the Rabbi had this coincidence in the Torah that indicated the destruction of the twin towers. Kabbalah did state that a portal to holiness would be opened on that year. In any event it does indicate that we should be learning and teaching the Torah and most of all practicing and obeying the laws that G-d wants us to do. I totally believe that this was the spiritual meaning behind that horrific day. And it is a message for the world. Thank you for the insight Rabbi. Reply

Joan Jurancich Sacramento, CA, USA September 21, 2011

The dots over the letters Rabbi, I carefully counted the dots over the letters and found only 10, not 11 (in the handout for this class). There is no dot over the ayin in "ad-olam". Reply

Anonymous Biafra September 28, 2019
in response to Joan Jurancich:

You said you carefully counted, please count again. Those three words contain 12 letters, and there are dots on all letters except "ע" so you should have 11 dots in all Reply

Rabbi Raskin looks at the hidden meanings of the sizes and numerical values (gematria) of the Hebrew letters in the weekly Torah portion.
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