
Where Are the Survivors?

Trying to Make Order Amid Chaos

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Where Are the Survivors?: Trying to Make Order Amid Chaos

Col. Goldstein first realizes that no survivors are coming out of the fallen buildings.
Goldstein, Chaplain Jacob, September 11

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Anonymous Miami, FL 33162 via chabadchayil.org September 11, 2011

Extremism is ALWAYS wrong, even if they are Jews The Jews in Israel are very familiar with terrorist bombings...after 9/11 the world experienced this. But why does the world continue to be blind to all the continued terrorism in Israel...why do we continue to get negative reporting in the media? The Arab terrorist mentality is not in their bible/Koran. This is the same extrmemism that was shown during the Spanish Inquisition by the Christians...this is not in their Bible either...But every society has it's extremists who feel they have to force everyone to be like them....or kill them. Our values also do not have to be imposed on others. It is OUR Torah to follow, not to force others to follow our values....or kill them. Our Torah is for Jews only. i.e. Pro Lifers kill people for not following their Bible. That doesn't make sense either. Killing Arab children from the Jewish settlements because they throw rocks at us is also WRONG. Jews throw rocks at other Jews, that don't follow the Torah "their" way, is wrong too. Reply

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