
Torah and the Pleasure Principle

The Philosophy of Judaism and Joy

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Torah and the Pleasure Principle: The Philosophy of Judaism and Joy

Professor William Kolbrener tells his personal story of spiritual growth and asks the deep philosophical question, "Can you be Jewish and still follow your bliss?"
Torah and Pleasure Principle  
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Philosophy, Baal Teshuvah, Translation, Hellenists, Freud, Dr Sigmund, Septuagint, Pleasure; Delight; Fun

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Richard Raskin Denmark July 28, 2021

Very knowledgeable discussion but could have been much shorter and to the point if it were more focused on the issue at hand and the self-profiling were held back. The Q&A moments are also a waste of precious time and the pedagogy of fishing for what the lecturer has in mind rather than what the student thinks about an issue, belongs to bygone era.

Geraldine Torf Boston,MA January 24, 2013

Torah and the Pleasure Principle Thank you for the pleasureable hearing of your subject. Freud also wrote Beyond the Pleasure Principle. In it he was influenced by his traditional Jewish background. The repitition compulsion's strength lies in the immersion in history without memory. Psychoanalysis enables memory thus stimulating the ability to enjoy. Our ability to work through creates process,creativity and individuality. Our gift of the Torah truly gives divinity and this learning does indeed give 'neshama plasticity'. Reply

C. Nielson Aarlanderveen, Holland August 12, 2011

o sweet spontaneous ... : (fiddlesticks!!)

thanks prof. Kolbrener, for this fullness of pomegranate; not just one seed, a whole cross-section!! i quite enjoyed this re-envisioning of ah ah ah ... post-diluvian rainbow!

made me ask myself, just what was G'd's reason to give us the Flood? Was G-d ultimately asking us to look beyond the pairing of our animalistic souls towards a new covenant?

'neshamah' plasticity?; ... sounds like the beginning of a discussion on re re re - reincarnation!

this really is a mind opening website!!

shalom & i hope to read your book, soon. Reply

Giuseppe Mondelli August 12, 2011

Torah and the Pleasure Principle Thanks for your lecture Prof. Reply

Celia Leal da Costa São Paulo, Brazil August 1, 2011

The pursuit of authenticity and connection. Thank you so much, Professor Kolbrener, for your enlightening lecture.
I discovered , for my own pursuit, the God of Israel in relation to His People, and he was the loving God of Israel. For that reason I can fully understand your vision and insight about our pursuit of authenticity and joy in the Jewish religion, and the need for connection.
I also felt an identification of our highly regarded tradition but be oppened to the new and change especially at our challenging times.
Thank you so much. Shalom! Reply

John Smith Fort Lauderdale, FL August 1, 2011

Thanks for the class thanks for the class. used a lot of words but it seemed there was one missing. thoughts and thinking is ok too "Not that there is anything wrong with that" lol. Reply