
Spiritual Sunglasses

One Minute Meditation

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Spiritual Sunglasses: One Minute Meditation

Your body is like sunglasses for the soul.
Tzimtzum, Body & Soul

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Anonymous holly wood USA June 17, 2014

good point smart, some people don't take care of their bodies but just of their souls and some do it the other way around Reply

b. geldof October 19, 2011

Soul's co-habitation inside/within the body vehicl doesn't the soul/spirit also wait inside the body for its' release?

what does the simple body/mind connection discover by frustration, default or "gestalt" beyond the physical release? & then what?

if one takes as a 'given' that the mission of the soul is to see G-dliness ... ?

I think that the addition of the sunglasses as a prop has specific cultural meaning. I behooves everyone to ask themselves, why would one want to feel that one should hide the soul's trueness, the body (& the mind's) feelings .... behind any prop.

Is it Divine judgement, or judgement of our peers that we fear when we put on the sunglasses? Reply

Anonymous w September 21, 2011

Wow ! part 2 I went to The " Shades for the Soul " video. It supplements the meditation in concrete visual terms, perfectly.

So often the body is put in the context of a temporary thing-a-ma-jig inferior to the soul. Your message drives home that the body is an essential container which functions best when healthy a la Rabbi Infinity the roadrunner. Cracked sunglasses/body are not very useful, like the hole in the spacesuit. The Kabbalistic approach of a soul waiting sometimes for centuries for entrance to a body makes sense.

The Joe Cool look of this meditation is fun and effective. Rabbi Infinity does remain my favourite Kabbalist. He is always an upper.

Keep up the great work. It's working !

Yasher koach. Reply

Miss Sarah Xuwei September 16, 2011

how wise it is! Oh, thank you rabbi, you told us a very brilliant and wise thought about our soul and our body. Reply

Rabbi Tzvi Freeman September 15, 2011

Re: Wow ! The sunglasses idea was actually a metaphor used by the Rebbe in one of his talks to describe the value of the body. The soul descends into a body, he explained, so that there it can perceive tangibly the essence of the Divine.

This, like the rest of the series, was later produced as an animation, including a blog. You'll find that in Shades for the Soul aid= 574520 Reply

Elisheva14 Eilat September 14, 2011

Well said Thank you Rabbi for reaching out. I loved your series on meditation. Reply

Anonymous w September 14, 2011

Wow ! Had to watch it 3 times to get the message. The mission of the soul is to see G-dliness,

1. i thought that the Jewish soul is connected to G-d.

2. Shouldn't the body ( mind ) have a bigger role than merely as a filter. Seems like the mind offers another grip by which to see G-dlines.

Maybe someone can explain. Reply

desert voice Cracow, Poland September 13, 2011

Body & Chastity John Paul II made history by "rehabilitating" the value of the human body, and by redefining chastity. Perhaps, it is better said, that he put the body and soul in their proper place. To the structure of the person, he said, belongs an "interior", in which we find the elements of spiritual life. This determines the value of the person. Such affirmation can only be produced by the spirit. It is not a matter of summarily "annihilating" the value "body and sex" in the conscious mind by pushing reactions to them into the subconscious, but of sustaining long term integration. In short, the value "body and sex" must be grounded and implanted in the value of the person. Chastity does not lead to desdain of the body, but it involves a certain humility of the body. The human body must be "humble" in face of the greatness represented by the person: for in the person resides the true and definitive greatness of man. Chastity is just that. It is difficult, yet it is the sure way to happiness. Reply

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