
Balloons & Airplanes

One Minute Meditation

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Balloons & Airplanes: One Minute Meditation

Nothing carries you higher than resistance.

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Mrs. Nomi Bhatia June 20, 2012

Thanks There are times when you need the "helium balloon" approach to life & other times when you need that airplane. The trick is to know when you need one over the other. But these amazing meditations get you thinking. and that surely will put you in the right mental atmosphere to make the right decision!
Thank you! Reply

Barry Glasgow, Scotland April 7, 2012

The second I choose the second and reason as follows; The helium balloon outlook is straight up with ease, however as a balloon rises it has no real direction and unless teathered, no links to where it came from, and as all good weather men know when it reaches a certain height all of the resistance it has avoided throughout its journey conspire to destroy the balloon by expansion. The flight using resistance enables us to encounter and feel the fight , have our own journey through lifes desert before continuing ever upwards towards a peaceful tranquil state where not even the great expanse of earths gravity can bring us down. It is only through a life of interactions that we can become closer to G-d. Shalom Reply

Anonymous March 18, 2012

Balloon I instantly chose the helium balloon. We must be careful not to be affected by people around you and rise above them. Reply

Anonymous November 17, 2011

good question i choose the long short way versus the short long way because at least it has an end in sight. Helium is not hot air, but in the context of this meditation the metaphor works.

Love these one minute meditations.

Thanks Reply

Carmen August 27, 2011

The second Because with the second there is more focus,velocity and purpose.
(and there is hurry!)

Right or wrong? Reply

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