
Women and Torah Study

A Meditation System for a Young Woman, Riga 1939

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Women and Torah Study: A Meditation System for a Young Woman, Riga 1939

An introduction to the subject of women and Torah study is followed by the study of a letter written by the sixth Chabad Rebbe, R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch, to an 18-year old Chassidic woman who belonged to a women's mystical study group in 1930s Riga.
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R. Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of Lubavitch, Chassidism, Women's Torah Study

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Leah February 14, 2017

Exponential Contemplation (higher and higher and higher) is not necessarily the point here The woman's comment to the Rebbe was that she felt action was empty. By breaking down the "thought", "speech" and "action" perspectives of thought alone for her, for example, that within any given concept there is its essence and then its language, the Rebbe is giving this woman (and us) a tool with which we can find true meaning and fullness in every thing we say and do as well as contemplate. At least, that is my "take" on this. Reply

Melkha Springfield, TN/USA April 28, 2012

A Meditation System for a Young Woman, Riga 1939 I would like a copy of the study sheets, that went along with this lecture Reply

Ilana Brooklyn, NY September 1, 2011

source sheet I would love to see a source sheet (the handout) for this shiur. Is there any chance it can be posted on this webpage? Reply

Anonymous lancaster, ny June 17, 2011

what is a mystical i thought it was all evil to go near mystical these kinds of teaching : if there any godly ones out there what are they Reply