
Torah in Ten: Tzav

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Torah in Ten: Tzav

Topics include: The prohibition against extinguishing the fire on the altar as an instruction to banish negative attitudes, the Zohar's explanation of why an impure earthenware vessel must be broken to become pure again, how Aaron and his sons reached the level of holiness attained only by Isaac at the Akeida.

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Yitzchak Chaim March 26, 2016

One tough piece of meat I would like to add an alternate meaning to the significance of the wave offering. The up and down motion represents us reaching up to heaven and bringing it down. The animal flesh represents our animal souls that must be transformed and lifted out of the way for our heaven soul to shine through.
The forward and backward motion also represents our struggle with our animal soul. As we push forward in our journey to redemption, our animal soul fights back and we move backwards. In truth, it is as if we are stuck here, violently shaking around a dead animal. As we pray to and obey Hashem, HE alone will destroy our animal soul once and for all. Reply

Anonymous February 16, 2016

My Bar Mitzvah Hi Rabbi, I am training for my Bar Mitzvah and your words helped me write my Dvar Torah, thank you for this. Reply

Ivan Kaufman Dallas March 28, 2015

Waving "in" and "out" (re spiritual message of the wave offering) Tzav message: Thank you Rabbi. I fear cancer. Will find out soon if I have it or not. Just the fear brings me closer to G-d, reminding me to pray. But, its so hard to "wave" "out" right now to express concern for others, so occupied with the fear now, I am waving "in" to somehow calm myself, making it hard to reach out to help others at the moment. Advice to push the "out" side more? Reply

Eva Lowe Ventura. ca March 15, 2014

Love your words of inspiration and wisdom, thank you so much for doing this.-
Chag purim sameach! Reply

Kayo Kaneko Tokyo, Japan via chabadofthevalley.com March 12, 2014

WOW This is the first time I really concentrated to watch your shiur. There are so many and so much I learned. Thank you very much. I am so fascinated with your shiurim. Really appreciate. Reply

Anonymous Lodz, Poland March 19, 2011

meaninds Torah consists of Words. You drew pearls. Reply

bialestock March 17, 2011

tzav Thank you

And a Freilichen Purim to you. Your words are a great inspiration to each one of us who have the honor to listen to your words. Reply

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