
"If Tomorrow Your Child Asks You"

A Passover Discourse - Lesson 1

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"If Tomorrow Your Child Asks You" - Lesson 1: A Passover Discourse - Lesson 1

Maamar "If Tomorrow Your Child Asks You"  
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Haggadah, Maamar, Wise Son, Edot, Chukim & Mishpatim

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Tzvi Freeman April 10, 2011

Pre-Sinai (for ORLY) Before the events of the Exodus, all the festivals were related to the seasons--and their corresponding cosmic meanings. Reply

orly winnetka, Illinois April 9, 2011

when you're saying the pre-Sinai celebrations and mitzvot were done only spiritually, are you referring to the fact that they knew about what was going to happen to our people?... is it like looking at future as we are looking at past? Reply

Mrs. Rachel Cunningham April 6, 2011

Wonderful! Reply

Anonymous Brooklyn, NY April 5, 2011

Yasher Koach Rabbi Freeman, May Hashem bless you for sharing your precious teachings with us.
As always, I pay it forward by sharing it with my friends and family. This is one pyramid scheme I'm proud to be a part of.
May we merit the complete redemption today. Reply

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