
Classic Arguments of the Talmud

Hillel and Shammai—Lesson 2

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Classic Arguments of the Talmud - Part 2: Hillel and Shammai—Lesson 2

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Machloket, Shammai, Hillel, Talmud, Shammai & Hillel, Houses of

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Mr. john smith March 24, 2011

i dont understand couldnt it be said that we are all potentially dead like a fish out of water but in reality we are not? like the fish out of water, eventually we will die so thinking in this way is in fact the reality. to think as if every second is our potential last but in reality only G-d determines our death and at the time he chooses. if constantly thinking of potential death in this way would we always have G-d in mind for every action we do in reality and always with him as if we could actually escape his being, not! does he need us to think for him? no, but thought and meditation of Torah brings ourselves to him to make ourselves feel better about being in touch of reality to closeness or potential to closeness? Reply

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