15:29 Your Emcee Tonight Rebbetzin Dinie Greenberg Rebbetzin Dinie Greenberg, a third-generation shluchah, stationed in Shanghai, China, welcomes participants at the International Convention of Chabad-Lubavitch Women Emissaries. Watch
16:25 Global Update Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky By Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-Chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, reflects on the progress of the Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries this year. Watch
22:45 The Rebbe and the Rebbetzin's Children Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, Chairman of Merkos L'Inyonei Chinuch, personally recalls the love for the shluchim expressed by the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin. Watch
4:53 A Letter to a Shluchah Women Speak in Praise of the Shluchos Various women share their personal admiration for the Chabad-Lubavitch women emissaries who have meant so much to them. Watch
30:23 This Year's Theme - The Jewish Family By Goldie Plotkin Rebbetzin Goldie Plotkin of Markham, Ontario, delivers the keynote address on the theme of the Jewish family. Watch
25:32 Roll Call 5771 Shluchos from Around the World Rebbetzin Aliza Silberstein of Chernigov, Ukraine, introduces the shluchos from around the world. Watch
5:33 In Memorial A Tribute to Three Shluchos Who Passed Away This Year Shluchos remember their sister emissaries who passed away this year. Watch
22:27 Four Women, Four Journeys Women share their life-changing stories Four women share their personal stories of how their lives were changed by their relationship with their respective shluchos. Watch