
The Here and Now

Insights into Ashrei - Part 3

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The Here and Now: Insights into Ashrei - Part 3

The pious one seeks out G-d in a way that can be felt in his day-to-day life. (Based on Psalms 145:11-12)
Psalm 145 - Lesson 3  
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Psalms, Ashrei

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Richard Wilner kenner, LA via jewishlouisiana.com January 30, 2011

Wow. I don't know which video to watch first!!

I put it in the background and listen to it while doing other things.

Thank you!!!! Reply

DE Seattle, USA January 27, 2011

Rabbi Lazer Gurkow Psalm 145 Thank you so much for the interpretation of Ashrei. The Psalms are so magnificent.....I use them every night to praise G-d.

I hope that you continue a series on more Psalm insights as to their meaning and interpretation. As always, Chabad.org and Rabbi Gurkow continue to open my eyes to the radiance of G-d's might and glory. Reply

ONE January 26, 2011

Here and Now Yes - Here and Now= Present
Present in Time - Absent in Time = Binds time
When one taste and see that this serving of this and a taste of this, one can determine the flavor and quality of ones apatite. Then the server is elevated in knowing what meals to prepare for maximized growth. Soon one demands that one can serve oneself. Then the test. What does one do with expansion? Our Father is crowned with joy upon seeing this flashing. Reply

margaret Mesa, Arizona, USA January 21, 2011

The Here And Now Rabbi Gurkow,

This is such a beautiful teaching about the love of our G-d! As you explain His love, this is how I feel about Him. Some of my friends and family call me a fanatic. My answer to them is that I am a FAN of G-d. He is my greatest, awesome G-d. What else can I say? He is awesome! And you just have the right description of Him.
May He keep on blessing you in a very special way!! Reply

Richard Raff January 20, 2011

Here and Now So what this might be saying is that we should use love and honestly in a productive matter. Reply

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