
Seeing or Believing

Insights into Ashrei - Part 2

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Seeing or Believing: Insights into Ashrei - Part 2

The difference between seeing G-d's involvement in our lives as opposed to believing in his loftier qualities. (Based on Psalms 145:3-10)
Psalm 145 - Lesson 2  
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Psalms, Ashrei, Transcendence & Immanence

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tzipi glick merion Station November 13, 2015

HaRav Gurkov
These shiurim are so powerful, I am blown away. I have taken the liberty of sharing your words with the ladies of my community who are also transformed from these ideas. Yashar Koach. Your teachings are reaching far and wide. Reply

Diana Henry Springfield, MA April 3, 2011

Thank you A majestic teaching of a most majestic psalm. Thank you. Reply

Anonymous Mesa, Arizona, USA January 13, 2011

Psalm 145 Then we need to worship G-d in Spirit and in Truth. Trusting and believing in Him as children. Children trust their parents because of their love for their parents and their parents love for them.

How great is our Heavenly Father. Lets all praise Him!!!!!!!

Thank Rabbi Gurkow for your teachings. I want to learn Hebrew so bad, and G-d is teaching me through His precious Spirit. And you Rabbi Gurkow are His instrument. May G-d keep on blessing you. Reply

Richard Raff January 13, 2011

Seeing or Believing So when G-d shows us He is Who He says He is. We get to see first hand what information is of good use and what is of bad use. But more over both good and bad is His, All together and belongs to Him Blessed Be His Name. Reply

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