
Re-enacting the Marriage between the Jew and G-d

The High Holidays Season – Sukkot & Simchat Torah

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sirelda gallaway port lavaca, tx via chabadpiercecounty.com September 10, 2012

Re-enacting the Marriage between the Jew and G- I am a 75 yearold Christian ,and found this site today. In the Jewish teachings I see a way of training my flesh.that it can be overcome.God has given His chosen people the way He wants to fellowship with them,how to worship Him and how to live in this earth ,with our fellowman,to love as He has commanded us,to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves ,Most of the Christian leaders have been teaching the god of this world,the god of materialism.no wonder it is written the love of many will wax cold,you cant love God and mammon.The Word tells me godliness with contentment is great gain.I Praise the Lord for you and this web site. Reply

Lisa Aubert Long Beach, CA October 17, 2011

lecture full of substance This lecture is like a wonderful delicious buffet to me. So delightful to get into yet I have to pause frequently to truly digest the essential nutrients from it. I've listen to this several times now and still have the great need to recieve more revelation from it. Very simple lecture yet so dynamic in truth. Thank you Rabbi Ben-Tzion Krasnianski for sharing this. Reply

Anonymous Castro Valley, Ca./United States October 11, 2011

Miricals Happen NOT! Many people experience Miracles. Most don't Talk about it because Fear of Ridicule. My Miracle was 6 years ago. That's me. Ever since my Visual Miracle, I know , there is a Heaven. A G-d that's Trainers and Collectors. And the Dead can Visit, to catch up, in Visions. (as mentioned in the Talmud, and Kabbala. That knowledge has Saved my Spirit. I feel so Bad everyone didn't get the Gift that came to me. But THINGS GET BETTER/DIFFERENT Trust, have Faith You know what G-d wants. That's what is right. He Am. "I am that I am" Reply

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