
How I Met Chabad

A Chabad Supporter Speaks to Shluchim

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How I Met Chabad: A Chabad Supporter Speaks to Shluchim

Ukrainian businessman and philanthropist Gennady Bogoliubov discusses his upbringing that led him to become one of today’s most well-known and generous supporters of shluchim in the world (International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries 2010).
Chabad-Lubavitch, International Conference of Emissaries

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Menachem December 2, 2017

Please make this available to be viewed on mobiles, thank you. Reply

Chaya Gross Jerusalem November 10, 2015

BH ...have been there too from Jerusalem and was totally inspired by all that the shluchim have done there. Not only the standing room only Shabbos services (before the Menorah Center was built, it was then a model!) but the orphanages, nursing home, and incredible feeling of community.
May they continue their tireless work and be blessed with abundance both materially and spiritually. Reply

Levy Itshok S Toronto, Canada November 3, 2013

Honoured to know Rabbi Kamenetsky I was 11 years old in 1989 when Rabbi Kamenetsky and his wife arrived to our city of Dnepropetrovsk. What he has done to the city and its Jewish life is beyond comprehension. The city now hosts the biggest Jewish Community Center in Europe, biggest Jewish secular school in Ukraine, kosher restaurants, synagogues, education centers etc. Summer camps Gan Isroel organized and run from 1989 were something unique of its kind and made a deep impression on my life and lives of thousands of kids. I left Dnepropetrovsk in 1991, came back a few times and each time I came back it was amazing to see the progress that has been done to Jewish life in the city.
No wonder that such business people as mr Bogoliubov and other influential businessmen have been supporters of r. Kamenetsky. Yeshir koah and great to see the fruits of his hard work. Reply