
Rabbi Gordon Live

Promotional Trailer

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Rabbi Gordon Live: Promotional Trailer

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Rabbi Yehoshua B Gordon encino, ca December 7, 2011

Parsha class Thank you! Reply

Moises tampa, fl. December 7, 2011

parsha class I thank G-d for your knowledge and teaching online. I am one of the very many who has found out that I am of Jewish blood. (sephardim) Though I was not raised in the jewish culture. I've come to the awareness that there is only One true G-d. The G-d of Avraham> the truth of the matter is that if it weren't for your teaching and others like you on chabad.org what will be of me and my spiritual journey, i hope one day to be totally observant and dedicated to torah. but as of now, Baruch Hashem, for this online teaching i feel as tho you are my rabbi thanks again and may G-d continue to bless you with wisdom understanding and knowledge Reply