
How to Get Called Up to the Torah

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How to Get Called Up to the Torah

A clear explanation of the Torah Reading service in synagogue, how it works, and getting called up to the Torah for an aliyah.
Being Called to the Torah  
Blessing on the Torah, Baal Korei, Haftarah, Aliyah, Public Torah Reading, Torah Scroll

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דוד October 4, 2023

Coming from a non-practicing family situation, I had no knowledge of customs until I was in college. The first time I was in a synagogue there was a man going around asking people if they were Cohen or Levi. Since I wasn’t familiar with the custom and there was conversation around us that made it difficult to hear, I thought he was looking for someone named Coen O’Levi. I said no, and told him my name and shook his hand. He just shook his head and walked away. Later, I was sitting at a table with a couple. She was Jewish and he wasn’t. I told them what happened. He said he thought you had to pick one or the other! Reply

Peter Brooklyn February 15, 2017

Literacy and reading from the Torah Rabbi, you mention that back in the day, the ordinary Jew would speak Hebrew, and therefore would read from the Torah himself. However, it's my understanding that literacy was rare in ancient times, and that eventually Aramaic rather than Hebrew was the common language of Israel and the Judean lands. I've read that only the temple officials would read Hebrew; the people would transact daily life in Aramaic. Could you comment on literacy and Torah reading before the modern era? Many thanks!! Reply

chaim weiser teaneck February 25, 2014

aliyah l'torah on a weekday ,does a father of a newborn baby have priority over one who has yahrzeit for a parent -both yisrael Reply

Anonymous Sydney September 6, 2012

Thank you - to Rabbi Menachem Ponser
what an honor (and a bit nerve racking at the same time !) it must be for a convert to be called up as "Ben Avraham".
Thank you for the explanation . Reply

Rabbi Menachem Posner August 14, 2012

To Anon in Sydney A convert is called up as "ben Avraham" - "the son of Abraham." This is because he (or she) is a direct link in the chain of righteous people who have chosen to have this special relationship with G-d starting with Abraham our Father. Reply

Anonymous Sydney August 11, 2012

What if the reader is a Convert Thank you for such a clear explanation.
I have one hypothetical question though,
If the person being called up to Torah is a convert, his father is not going to have a Hebrew name, so what happens in that case?
Is there some sort of a substitute name that is called after his name instead of the father's name? Reply

Chaya Vero Beach, Florida June 8, 2012

The Mystery Solved The mystery of aliyah is solved at last! [The entire back of the shul exhales.]

I hope to soon have the opportunity to use this teaching with my group of returning Jews most of whom never had the opportunity to learn this before. Reply

Rabbi Menachem Posner November 14, 2011

To Akiva If a Kohen is not present, either a Levi or an Israelite may take his aliyah. The next two aliyahs should go to ordinary Israelites. If there is only a Kohen but no Levi present, he takes the first and second aliyahs. Reply

Akiva Teyken Meppel, Neth November 14, 2011

Aliya If there is no Kohen present a Levi will go up for the first reading. Is the Levi in this case also getting the second? So is he getting two? Reply

Dacia independence, mo October 17, 2011

Thank you thank you for making clear and making stone the laws of G-d. here there is much truth of G-d's love. thank you my brothers. for carrying the light throught one thousand generations of believers. Reply

Aaron Schlesinger Forest HIlls, New York May 19, 2011

Thank you! I am going to have my Aufruf soon (wherein the groom is called up to the Torah the Shabbat before his wedding) and I was so nervous but this video is going to help me prepare. Reply

George A. miami, fl. usa October 23, 2010

alliyah Well done!! Now I'm a little more prepared for grandson's BarMitzvah.. Thank you. from a non-practicing jew who's now re habing it. Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan September 13, 2010

Thank for a Tradition from Moshe For long, I did not understand the system of Aliyah. With this class, It was very easy to understand it. I was also amazed by and appreciate the histrical background that this is a tradition from the time of Moshe. Though I am a female, still this class was practical and meaningful, and increased my enthusiasm for attending services. Thank you for choosing this topic for Jewish TV class. Reply

Edward Brooklyn, NY September 12, 2010

Called to Torah Is it OK to take a child wearing diapers, when you are called to the Torah? Reply