
Underage Underwriters

A 60-Second Clip

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Underage Underwriters: A 60-Second Clip

The Mitzvah ATM is about to dispense the Torah in honor of the holiday of Shavuot. One snag, though: It wants trustworthy guarantors...
Shavuot, Giving of the Torah

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shevy new haven, ct April 27, 2012

lOVED it! this was so great! i love the creative ideas and illustrations! Reply

Morah Leah Jerusalem, Israel June 8, 2011

Bar mitzvah Tell your niece to contact her local Chabad Rabbi - he will see to it that her son can learn for free, although it's worth it to pay for a Torah education. By the way, your nephew will become a bar mitzvah (responsible to keep the mitzvot) at age 13 like all Jews, whether he has a celebration or not. G-d willing he will learn about his tradition and obligations as a Jew! Reply

Pastor Robert Bagonza Mbarara, Uganda June 7, 2011

Well done! I loved it! may God richly bless you. Reply

Alexandra Denver, Co USA June 6, 2011

OUR CHILDREN My neice is interested in ALL religions, including that of her parents, Judaism. She recently put a Mezuzzah on her door. She has a 12 year old son & has investigated the possibility of him having a bar mitzvah. He has never gone to Hebrew school for the same reason he probably won't have a Barmitzvah -- it costs too much money. If judaism and synagogues are serious about children being Bar and Bat-Mitzvahed, why don't they lower their fees? Are Bar- and Bat mitzvahs even relevant in the lives of Jews who embrace ALL cultures, like my niece....or "lapsed" Jews, like myself? After all, Prince William and Kate Middleton -- & most of the other younger peoople in the world - have NOT had Bar & Bat Mitsvahs....& it hasn't done THEM any harm, at all! Arnold Toynbee said Judaism is a 'fossil'...& I think he may have been right.
Many, many people just don't see anything important in being Jewish today. Why sacrifice money and effort to be part of a fossil? Reply

Menachem Kovacs Baltimore, Md. June 6, 2011

Thank you! Beautiful (except for the hyped music)!
Please continue! Reply

Anonymous herzliya, ga via chabadnf.org June 4, 2011

Facebook Why is there no facebook share button? Great video Reply

Mushka Brooklyn, NY May 29, 2011

Great Work! Beautiful!!!!!!! Reply

ilene stackel naples, fl May 16, 2010

underage underwriters :-))))))) LOVE IT - thank you :-) Reply

Tzipora NY May 14, 2010

i really enjoyed this video, however, I remember seeing it last year. Is there any way that there could be new videos every year? Reply

ken toronto, Canada via chabad.ca June 3, 2009

the destiny of our children Yes children are the future. Does your child/children know his or her destiny? ...and what is the future like for an orphan? ...How about a spiritual orphan? Reply

ken toronto, canada via chabad.ca June 2, 2009

shavot bring your kids video what about all those who are orphans? Reply

mendel simon May 28, 2009

it is actually sixty-one seconds Reply

judi strathpine, qld May 28, 2009

yes, our kids are our future. thanks rabbi levi for sending this to me :) :) Reply

averil marks San Diego, ca via chabadscrippsranch.org May 27, 2009

Shavot It was well done, we all loved it in our office, we sure agree that our children are our future.
Thank you for sending this to us. Reply

George miami, ny May 27, 2009

Loved every moment Great music. True I would have enjoyed it more with some Jewish music. Thanks for a great video Reply

Penna Los Angeles, CA via chabadso.com May 27, 2009

Nicely done. Reply

Moish B''rook Lyn, NY May 26, 2009

Jewish Music Needed some Jewish music. That jazz was awful. Not what I would call soul stirring. Reply

Yitzy west hempstead, ny via chabadwesthempstead.org May 25, 2009

wow Luv it
Good Job Reply

sheina May 25, 2009

very cute Reply

Leah Levy Monsey, NY June 11, 2008

very cute :-) I have tears! Reply

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