
Where Do I Come From?

Psalms of King David 100:3

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Where Do I Come From?: Psalms of King David 100:3

A mysterious letter "aleph" reveals the secret for closeness with G-d. Based on the verse (Psalms 100:3) "Know the Lord is G-d. It is He who made us, and we are his..."
The Psalms of King David: Lesson 1  
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Psalms, Existence; Reality, Perpetual Creation, Creation ex nihilo

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Lazer Gurkow May 19, 2019

We serve G-d through hus commandments and the very first commandment G- d gave us was to have children. That is why we use our strength to have them. Reply

Anonymous May 19, 2019
in response to Lazer Gurkow:

rabbi Lazer, Thank you for replying.
Bless you and your family.
I find your lectures very interesting.
(I use 'rabbi' and your first name because a couple of thousand years ago Jews usually didn't have a proper surname) Reply

Anonymous EU May 15, 2019

It takes strength to engage in acts of procreation. Earning a living by working at a job to pay for that which you need to engage in procreation and to pay for raising a family takes strength. Running around after kids takes strength. Keeping an harmonious relationship with the wife who brings your kids into the world takes strength. Seeing your kids leave the nest takes strength.
Now we are coming to the era when the occupation of the whole of Judaism will be only the pursuit of the knowledge of YHWH. Together with this era we have the command on Mt Sinai - the first and greatest command - use all your strength to love the Lord your God, not on anything else: "You must love the Lord your God with...all your strength...". Amen.
As you say rabbi Lazer, "the reason God placed us in this world is not so that we can make money, enjoy life, have a good time, even build a family but that we can serve God. That's our sole purpose." Reply

JP March 9, 2019

How to study Tehilim? Reply

Malka Bklyn January 30, 2018

"He made us.." thank you bh this class expanded awareness of the transformative power of this Psalm. A very effective antidepressant, take with every breath "kol ha neshama". Reply

Baruch Abels East London, South Africa August 20, 2015

wow, beautiful explanation of the Psalms and Exodus. enjoyed it a lot. Toda Rabah Reply

Almah Lopez Hollywood, Fl. April 10, 2013

He made us and we are His... Thank you Rabbi Gurkow for such a profound explanation, and grateful too, to have Psalms lectures on Jewish TV now..
"He made us and we are His..." It is intense to understand that everything has to comeback to its original source, but it is greater to feel the infinite kindness of G-d and His true existence in every breath we take.
The words of Tehillim are truly from a King heart.

Almah Reply

yetta krinsky Melbourne, Australia February 15, 2012

thank you BS''d
thanks so much, brachas that your shlichus should go from strength to strength Reply

Mrs. lisa huntsman August 15, 2011

Where Do I come From? Thank you for this talk, especially regarding Hassidic.(spelling?) Of course G-d exists. Do we exist? It seems to me that our existence is conditional. For example, if we are allowed to come into a physical body and hang around on earth, G-d permitting, long enough to figure out that His people are real and His Torah is alive is very exiting indeed. This is all I need to know that I exist and that He exists. Now, comes the scary part : since I exist and He exists( or visa versa) then, it seems quite possible that, if my understanding is correct, I now, choose to follow Him and serve Him, as is the purpose of my creation or , heaven forbid, any other course is a literal choosing of life or death. A literal gathering of His people. Thank you for this stimulating topic. Reply

Stephen Charlotte , NC August 5, 2010

v'lo anachnu I love the interpretation that the rabbi provides. However, I think that both points are important: yes, we are His. However, I strongly believe that, in this era of "self made people", we need to REMEMBER that we did not make ourselves. G-d MADE us and NOT we ourselves. That it is so critical, given the human tendency to pride in "self-actualization", that we remember that we are the results of G-d's creation, not of our own. Only then can we keep our pride in place and let G-d be G-d and we remain his servants - His people and the sheep of His pasture!! Reply

Jerry gulfpot, USA July 30, 2010

psalm, teaching thank you. Reply

Giacomo Ripon, UK July 30, 2010

Psalms of King David Rabbi Gurkov in his comment says that we came into existence when G-d created us. The question is when He created us? Was we were born into this world, or much earlier as we can see from a passage of

Jeremiah 1:4-5
And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee; I have appointed thee a prophet unto the nations.

Interestingly Jeremiah is the only prophet with a call unto the nations and not just for the Jewish people.

True, the Psalms of King David are like an iceberg. Most of its beauty is hidden under the water surface. Reply

ruth housman marshfield hills, ma July 29, 2010

the agree within disagree As to the minutiae of life, the joys we get, in the little things, well, God created it ALL, meaning business, spending, creativity, what we are all doing here, and sure, many do "avoid" the void, and rabbis spend a lot of time analyzing text. But they are not alone.

God even created Taxes. And often God is laughing.

God is an equal opportunity employer. PARDES, or the deep layers of analysis of text, is possible for all writing, and all that we do: the contextual content of life.

As to the animals, it's wrong to say, they are "lower" because they cling to the ground. Maybe it's about humility. After all, there is anima in the word animal itself and this means soul in Latin.

I am so distressed by this part of the podcast. Why? Because they are sacred and anyone who spends time with an animal knows this.

As to Sinai and what is visual and what is heard, there are many ways to interpret this and I also have my own answers and they are, profound. Reply

Deba Edelman Bellevue, WA July 26, 2010

Psalms of King David - Part 1 Amazing - I have read all of the Psalms thinking only of the beauty and meaning of the literal words.
Now to know such depth exists is stunning. Thanks to Jewish TV's lectures I am learning slowly, like the cat.

Thank you so much. Reply

Rebecca Perth, AUSTRALIA July 23, 2010

Psalms of King David Part I Wonderful. Thank you so much - my soul feels nourished - and I have been so hungry all week! Reply

Mary Reidsville, NC July 22, 2010

Psalms of David Part 1 I loved this lecture. Thank you! Reply

sojourner chicago, ILL July 22, 2010

Psalm of King David - Part 1 Jewish.TV is amazing. Love it. Reply

Anonymous Alpharetta, GA July 21, 2010

Malachim Aleph What were the Maconoth and where were they kept in the Beit HaMikdash? Reply

Richard Raff United States July 21, 2010

The Psalms of King David - Part 1 i enjoyed this lecture and must try to connect to Hashem with a much more passionate heart. Reply

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