
Rabbi Gordon - Korach: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Korach: 1st Portion

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Korach, Parshah

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Anonymous Brooklyn June 16, 2014

for our missing sons I listen to your shiurim every week, i want to thank you they add a lot of interesting teaching and distinctions to my Shabbat table.
I wanted to ask if you can Please give your shiurim in the zchut of the safe and soon return of our sons
Yaakov Naftali ben Rochel Devorah
Gilad Michael ben Bat Galim
Eyal ben Iris Teshurah Reply

Anonymous USA June 2, 2013

Korach 1st Portion Dear Rabbi Gordon, in this study you mentioned when the people aked for meat and Hashem, blessed be He, sent quails. My question: Didn't the people have the herds they brought from Egypt then? Were it all consumed at that point? For what I understand they took with them, herds, and all their possessions. Was it that at this point when they asked for the meat they had run-out of it? I would like to know more about Moshe Aveinu's family history. I did not know that Korach was Moshes of blessed memory, cousin. Could you Rabbi Gordon elaborate more on this study? I am so grateful for your teachings, you go so much to the facts. Great teachings. Thank you Reply

Anonymous Thouand Oaks, CA June 19, 2012

Faith and our work as His hands Hi Rabbi Gordon,
Thank you for your work and guidance. Your classes are invaluable. I know the following question(s) have come upfor me various times when studying variou Torah portions: 1) in the time of the Exodus, wasn't Hashem revealed to the people? With Hashem "right there" how could our people continue to rebel, question and lose sight of what was important?; and ultimately continue to fail in the role of being Hashem's nation? (Leaders and intelligent people did not see all coming from Hashem, but rather from a person??) 2) Related to the above, if we are living in a time when Hashem is concealed (as much as I can see His hand in our lives, B"H), how/ which tools do we use to maintain our faith and a path with Hashem?
In my limited undertanding, as much as I try to study consistently, this question and challenge continue to resurface.
Thank you again. May you always be blessed. Reply

joy kaplan October 6, 2010

love it i love rabbi gordon's modern day comparisons! makes learning a pleasure! Reply

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