
Rabbi Gordon - Vayakhel-Pekudei: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Vayakhel-Pekudei: 1st Portion

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Vayak'hel-Pekudei, Parshah

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Andre Cohen Huntington Beach, Ca February 26, 2013

Shabbat I am a 36 year old man who is now learning and practicing Torah which seems an impossible task but anyhow I am going to make it possible. I followed shabbat last friday and saturday and was under the impression that I could not study Torah, but I have learned and am relieved I can after understanding this lecture. It was extremely awkard to just sit and reflect on my life all day long. Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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