
Rabbi Gordon - Terumah: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Terumah: 1st Portion

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Terumah, Parshah

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Terry Philadelphia, Pa February 15, 2015

Cedar wood Thank you for continuing to provide this enriching study program.

In 25:5...is it possible that, rather than a vision by Jacob (that caused him to bring cedar) as explained by Rashi, that a more practical explanation may be considered? Could it be that cedar was likely brought to Egypt as normal 'packing material' for travel (at that time) given it's insecticidal quality? A vision, perhaps...but why ignore potentially pragmatic explanations at the same time?

My apologies for continually picking at these small items...Chumash to me is rich in many ways that remain unexplored, but then again, I lack familiarity with the many commentaries. Reply

jrmy Eastern Plains, CO February 14, 2024
in response to Terry:

A Christian fellow once remarked to me, "If it is not practical, it is not Scriptural."

Disdain for remark and unstudied gent alike gave way after some years to a wonderment beheld as applied practicality granted entrance and initiation even to those professed of little interest.

And so, too, the best of conversations.

Blessings, pragmatist! Reply

Rabbi Yehoshua B Gordon Encino, CA February 11, 2011

Terumah 7th portion In response to your request:

The 7th portion of Terumah was recorded and is being uploaded today. Thank you very much.

Thank you. Reply

Anonymous January 30, 2011

Terumah: 7th Portion missing Can the missing seventh portion be ready in time? Thank you. Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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