
The Etrog that Became a Lemon

A Jewish Love Story

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The Etrog that Became a Lemon: A Jewish Love Story

A wonderful story that illustrates how every moment in life is an opportunity to do a mitzvah
Etrog, Shalom Bayit (Marital Harmony), Present, The, Ahavat Yisrael

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SpikeyApples Staten Island March 7, 2017

i find it hard to believe that a religious Jewish woman would confuse an ethrog with a lemon, moreover during the time of Succot Reply

Paul Donen Deerfield Beach, FL October 12, 2011

Etrog Rabbi thank you for the Mitzvot in your presentation and story of the Etrog and one's love for your wife.
We tend to look inside the box instead of outside the box, which opens up for all of us a whole new life and world
Shalom Reply

Yossi Kassap westlake, California October 12, 2011

the moment I am sitting here arguing with my wife about nothing.I watched your video and kissed my wife.Thank You Yossi Reply

Anonymous November 28, 2010

The Etrog Thay Became A Lemon This is truly a beautiful message! A life changing lesson we all should embed in our hearts and share at every opportunity! Thank you so much! Reply

yehuda trestman s diego, ca February 9, 2010

i love your videos it highlights crystalizes and encapsulates and brings out the beauty and divine nature of our misions in this world keep up your great work Reply

Anonymous January 29, 2010

From 1 to 92 Love that story it is truly a great story. Plain and simple and with a great point lets prepare for a great future.Your right Reply

shlomo bh, ca via chabadofbelair.org January 28, 2010

Amazing Love it Rabbi
miss you! Reply

Anonymous January 27, 2010

Etrog Wonderful story. when we cannot do one mitzvah, we can do another. Every mitzvah puts a smile on G-d's face. They all count to Him. Think half full/optimism versus half full/pessimism. Quantity of mitzvot can become a habit. Keep G-d smiling, and you are doing the right thing.

Thank you Reply

Anonymous brooklyn, NY January 26, 2010

Excellent story Dear Rabbi,
There is a similar story with the Maggid of Tshernobel. Reply

Chani Slurzberg Philadelphia, PA January 26, 2010

beautiful! what a beautiful story, and Rabbi Mentz tells it so well too! Thank you for reminding us of the tremendous importance of marital harmony! Reply

Fr Dominic Borg,ocd London, Ontario January 25, 2010

The Etrog that became a Lemon Dear Rabbi Chaim Mentz,

I want to thank you very much for sharing with us your talents and wisdom. This story is indeed very powerful. I have shared it with MANY of my friends and most of them answered me: AWESOME.
May G-d continue to shower you with Shalom. Reply

josh montreal, canada January 26, 2010

wow really inspiring! Reply

Kayo Tokyo, Japan January 25, 2010

Made me cry Your story made me cry. Reply

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