
Rabbi Gordon - Mikeitz: 2nd Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Mikeitz: 2nd Portion

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Mikeitz, Parshah

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Francis Kinney December 11, 2023

These are the same questions I wondered about when I got here by chance as well! I'm still struggling with it, and only got more confused when I heard that Esau, too, is buried in the caves at Hebron, murdered while waiting for a piece of paper from Mitzraim...

And told Jacob to meet him in Seir, and caused him no harm after he had been betrayed when they met as Jacob fled Laban...

And discovered that his offspring are listed...

There is just so much that demands further study.

It's encouraging that someone else wonders about these same things! Thank you Reply

Gerald Chirnomas Scottsdale, AZ December 15, 2014

Jacob Why is Jacob and not Esau one of our patriarchs? It was Jacob that lied/ tricked Isaac and then stole from Esau and yet was blessed by HaShem?. Jacob is rewarded for these dishonest actions. The torah continues with Jacob's life and lineage and not Esau.

I want to thank you for your daily classes. It was only by accident that I came across your site. Been following everyday since Parashas Toldos. I look forward to learning daily from you. As a senior with a newly acquired thirst of torah you fill my void.

Thank you Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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