
Rabbi Gordon - Lech-Lecha: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - Lech-Lecha: 1st Portion

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Lech-Lecha, Parshah

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Francis Kinney November 3, 2024

In 12:3 there is the statement that Hashem will Bless them that Bless you, yet this seems to contradict what happened to Balaam. It seems as if he may have been telling the Midianite women to go and learn how goodly it was to live as those women in the tents of the exiles, not persuade the men to turn away, yet he was put to death. Reply

Rabbi Mendel Adelman for chabad.org November 4, 2024
in response to Francis Kinney:

Good question! While Balaam ended up blessing the Jewish People, that was not his intention. He planned on cursing them, and G-d counted that intention against him. And his advice, as recorded, was to use idolatry to ensnare the Jews, not to learn from them. Reply

Ozlem Ankara, TR January 17, 2022

Thank you Dear Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon of blessed memory , for all your recorded lectures and teachings. May the Torah learned from your lectures be one of the great sources of your uplifting neshama. Thank you. Reply

S October 11, 2021

How do we hear a previous lecture if we missed them? The back button doesn't work more than once but I missed a lecture 4 days ago and I want to go back to it. Reply

Chabad.org Staff October 12, 2021
in response to S:

On the right side of the screen there is a window with the previous and next lectures in the series of the weekly Torah portion classes. Reply

Anonymous January 9, 2017

What book is rabbi Gordon reading from besides the Chumash @4:20 Reply

Caim Brooklyn April 19, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

"The Pentateuch and Rashi's Commentary: A Linear Translation into English: Genesis" Reply

Harold Blotcher September 7, 2015

Lech lecha tells of a lie that Sarah tells about being Abraham's sister not his wife. Are there Rabbis who argue that it is never allowed to lie no matter the reason? How can I find these opinions Reply

Anonymous somewhere in Oregon October 22, 2017
in response to Harold Blotcher:

Sarai and Abram had the same father, but different mothers. So, they were not lying. Reply

Robert Crandon US, Nevada October 25, 2020
in response to Harold Blotcher:

lying is allowed to save an innocent life from harm, and save someone from embarrassment. All brides are beautiful is an example. Reply

Shira Malka Cohen Long Beach December 8, 2013

Toda Thanks for teaching me things I value:) Reply

Lisa Aubert Long Beach, CA October 31, 2011

avram the wanderer I found it so profound of Avram being a wanderer and no longer having an identity or reputation of his own as Rabbi Gordon explained. In dealing with the homeless, I can see where such a thing still exist yet I know that G-d is and always will be the true foundation of every being's existence on this earth. We all are significant to G-d, regardless of circumstances. Thank you Rabbi Gordon for sharing such profound revelations. Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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