
Rabbi Gordon - V'Zot Haberachah: 1st Portion

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Rabbi Gordon - V'Zot Haberachah: 1st Portion

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Vezot Hab'rachah, Parshah

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Adam Arizona October 9, 2022

hi rabbi Gordon I was wondering what book do you use Reply

Chabad.org Staff October 9, 2022
in response to Adam:

Hi, Rabbi Gordon used the following text: The Pentateuch and Rashi’s Commentary, A Linear Translation, Published by S S & R Publishing Co., Brooklyn, NY Reply

Anonymous Laingsburg, MI October 4, 2015

Tribe not blessed directly If it was Moses' last day, wouldn't he have been more forgiving? I realize they were blessed indirectly, but it seems to me that's like someone's poor relative, never having their own, always depending on someone else, which is kind of a curse. Reply

Ruth Los Angeles October 1, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

Povertu Do you really see poverty as a sin?

Do you really think that poverty is a reason to arrest people and keep them in jail until they become rich?

Respectfully, Reply

Anonymous Michigan USA October 16, 2017
in response to Ruth:

Not a sin, but it certainly isn't pleasant not to be able to enjoy the world, being in survival mode instead and also not being able to do the thing that makes most people feel the best, give to others. Reply

Jean Knowlton Laingsburg October 9, 2022
in response to Ruth:

I don't know how you'd get that out of my comment. I said basically in a way it was a curse to only be blessed indirectly because that leaves you like a poor relative, depending on someone else, instead of receiving it directly and being able to help others. In other words, having a middle man is kind of a curse. Reply


pretty good shiur! such a nice shiur Reply

Anonymous Los Angeles, CA October 8, 2017
in response to ELIYAHU BORUCH TAYAR:

Poverty Law What's is a shiur? Excuse me. I don't know what a "shiur" is. Reply

Anonymous Michigan USA October 16, 2017
in response to Anonymous:

It's a study session of the holy books usually with a rabbi or teacher. Reply

Study the daily Chumash with Rashi, Tanya and Rambam with master teacher Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon.
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