The Baal Shem Tov's Song
Audio | 3:14
Joyful melody that lifts the yoke of worldly cares and refreshes the spirit with the light of Torah and Chassidic joy.
Audio | 7:40
Fortunate is he who has not sinned. And let one who has sinned repent and he will be forgiven. (Tractate Sukka, 53:1) This moving melody composed by early Chabad Chassidim accurately brings forth the message of this tune -- to contemplate Teshuva -- repentance, even in moments of highest rapture.
Audio | 5:11
G-d illuminated the world with the soul of Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov. The G-dly nature of the Baal Shem Tov's teachings is evident till this very day as his teachings continue to spread forth and reach every corner of the globe.
Audio | 4:58
The right Hand of G-d is exalted. The right Hand of G-d is valiant. (Tehillim 118:16) An intense reflective melody sung by Rabbi Menachem Mendel, the third Chabad Rebbe, while reciting the Hallel prayer. It expresses an optimism born of profound faith and trust in G-d.
Audio | 3:48
My soul thirsts for You, my body yearns for You. (Tehillim, 63:2) One of the oldest Chabad tunes. The first section describes the thirst of the soul as it cries out in longing to G-d. The second part set to words in Russian, describes the agony of the soul as it chides the evil inclination evil which obstructs its spiritual quest: Hey, you foolish Mark! Why do you travel to the market? You don't buy, you don't sell, you only cause strife! The evil comes to this world (market) not to "buy" acquire Mitzvot nor to "sell" or nurture others with Mitzvot, it only causes strife between the Jew and G-d.
Audio | 4:12
A beautiful tune often sung by Chassidic gatherings as well as around the Shabbat and holiday table. A profoundly stirring tune first sung by the first generation of Chabad Chassidim some 200 years ago.
Audio | 3:21
A Chassidic dance tune composed by the Lubavitch disciples of Nikolayev, Russia. This effervescent tune is often sung at Chassidic gatherings and other joyous occasions
Audio | 7:06
First introduced in Rostov, Russia, and often sung by the fifth Chabad rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer (the Rashab), this tune helps the soul free itself from the confines of the body, preparing it, as it were, to absorb the G‑dliness in Torah.
Audio | 5:51
How fortunate are we! How goodly is our part! How pleasant is our destiny! How beautiful our inheritance! (Morning Prayers) All goodness comes from the part of G-d within us, all pleasure comes from our Jewish destiny. All beauty comes from the harmony between Jews and G-d, created by the Torah, our inheritance. This song was composed by the well known Chabad composer, Reb Aharon Charitonov.
Audio | 5:14
As the hart pines forth over brooks of water, my soul longs for You, 0 L-rd. My soul thirsts for the Living G-d. When will I come and appear before the L-rd? (Tehillim 42:2,3) The third Chabad Rebbe would break out into this heartrending tune when he recited these words of King David in Psalms. As a deer cannot live without water the soul cannot live without constant attachment to G-d. The intensity of the first notes reveals the profound spiritual yearning of the soul still distant from the object of its desire, the union with G-d.
Audio | 4:07
The astute Chassidic musical ear, will quickly recognize the Nikolayver roots of this tune.
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