
Hanukkah Songs

Chanukah Music & Lyrics

Listen to the lyrics of traditional Chanukah (Hanukkah) songs, hear the blessings recited on the Chanukah menorah and more...

Menorah Blessings
Traditional tune used to sing the blessings on the Menorah
Hanerot Halalu
Audio | 7:04
Hanerot Halalu
Traditional prayer, sung after the lighting of the menorah.
Maoz Tzur
Audio | 1:40
Maoz Tzur
Traditional Chanukah song of Maoz Tzur with translation and lyrics.
Oh, Chanukah!
The English version of this popular children's Chanukah song.
Ner Rishon
Audio | 1:23
Ner Rishon
Lighting the Menorah; a song about this sacred tradition.
Audio | 0:46
A Dreidel song for children with translation and lyrics.
Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah!
Tzlil V’zemer Children’s Choir
The Tzlil V’zemer Children’s Choir presents a favorite Chanukah song, “Oh Chanukah.”
Miracle of the Maccabees
The Chanukah Story
This action-filled radio play portrays the miracle of Chanukah as a victory of Jewish spirit over the forces of assimilation.
Chanukah Radio Ad
Audio | 0:60
Chanukah Radio Ad
For eight days the world glows a little bit brighter as giant outdoor Menorahs light up the night sky. These menorahs are placed by Chabad-Lubavitch organizations to help publicize the Chanukah miracle.
Singing Maoz Tzur
Audio | 1:49
Singing Maoz Tzur
Singing the Menorah Blessings
Oh Hanukkah with Rogers Park
An energetic dance version of “Oh Hanukkah” – a blend of the English and Yiddish lyrics to this classic Chanukkah tune.
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