Hanukkah Songs
Chanukah Music & Lyrics
Audio | 1:57
Traditional tune used to sing the blessings on the Menorah
Audio | 7:04
Traditional prayer, sung after the lighting of the menorah.
Audio | 1:40
Traditional Chanukah song of Maoz Tzur with translation and lyrics.
Audio | 0:44
The English version of this popular children's Chanukah song.
Video | 2:27
Tzlil V’zemer Children’s Choir
The Tzlil V’zemer Children’s Choir presents a favorite Chanukah song, “Oh Chanukah.”
Audio | 27:14
The Chanukah Story
This action-filled radio play portrays the miracle of Chanukah as a victory of Jewish spirit over the forces of assimilation.
Audio | 0:60
For eight days the world glows a little bit brighter as giant outdoor Menorahs light up the night sky. These menorahs are placed by Chabad-Lubavitch organizations to help publicize the Chanukah miracle.
Audio | 1:49
Audio | 1:17
Audio | 3:11
An energetic dance version of “Oh Hanukkah” – a blend of the English and Yiddish lyrics to this classic Chanukkah tune.