
Responding to Mumbai

December 6, 2008 10:08 PM

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Anonymous monsey, ny via chabadindia.org December 8, 2008

very touching continue the good work and through mitzvos we will change the world Reply

Alessandro Venezia Rome, Italy December 8, 2008

That is the Difference A right answer to evil deeds, written by our Sages.

A lesson for modern times. Reply

Anonymous December 8, 2008

I Was Touched Im touched to see chabad.org and aish.com working together, this is such an example for everyone of TRUE unity. wow keep it up. Reply

SF Atlanta, GA December 7, 2008

AISH Movies There were 2 other Jewish people killed:
Alan Scherr, 58, and his daughter Naomi, 13, from Virginia. Reply

Mendy Chitrik December 7, 2008

Thanks for a display of unity! It is heartwarming to see that we can rise above our differences in times like these.

Thank you. Reply

Anonymous Chicago December 7, 2008

powerful Thank you for a beautiful film.
Aside from this being well done, It meant so much to me as a Lubavitcher to see Aish.com and Chabad.org together, as JEWS, focusing on what makes us the same, a powerful lesson in unity, there's such power in unity, thanks for spreading goodness, we will combat the evil if we keep staying together as jews, without noticing what makes us different from each other, but rather by focusing on our family relations! We're all brothers and sisters and you just proved it! I'm Lubavitch, but first I'm a JEW.
I love my family. Reply

Special section to remember the cruel murders of Gavriel (Gabi) and Rivky Holtzberg, beloved directors of Chabad of Mumbai. The story of the Holtzbergs' legacy of light.
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