
Love Your Fellow As Yourself

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Love Your Fellow As Yourself

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Jewish Unity, Ahavat Yisrael

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Helen Dudden United Kingdom March 19, 2018

As a disabled person, I feel the same as a Jew who needs that little bit extra to go to Shul, and have a little extra so they too may be part of the service. I have a large print Weinberg Sidder, the legacy left by this special family in the USA.
I care about those like me, either young or not so young.
We should care about one another, we are stronger than being a single thread in life. Hashem cares for us all, I have no doubt in that fact.
The article written so beautifully, makes this so clear. Reply

JDV July 28, 2016

Love your fellow Jew Because I am concerned with fellow Jews, I want to say this. There are so many Jews out there who could care less about being Jewish. They are secular and don't understand that the knowledge and practice of the Jewish religion is the only way that Judaism will survive. Going to the deli isn't enough. There has to be something wrong with Jewish education - your web site has probably brought more people into the fold than anything else. If I wanted people to know more about Judaism, I would recommend Chabad.org. If I wanted them to throw everything away, I would recommend Hebrew school! Reply

Anonymous July 2, 2011

today & tomorrow I need the encouragement and the positive thoughts of Judaisim Reply

neomi gniwisch mntreal January 10, 2011

Thank you very much :) I love the way and the thoughts of this class... :) Beautiful and inspiring... I gave the thoughts over in a class I gave.. thank you for uplifting us all :) Reply

Karen (Chaya) Bell (Kleinman) March 12, 2010

Self love and love of others With women, we are taught to be nurturing to OTHERS, and not so much taught to nurture our own selves. So, we spend all our energy being something to others, but a nobody to our selves. We don't take the time to care for our own physical or mental or emotional health. We often sacrifice what we need for what others need. In the end, in our old age, we learn that unless we took care of our bodies, our minds, our souls while young, we have maladies that affect us as elder people. I am now 63 years old, and realize I SHOULD have, in ADDITION to caring for others, taken care of myself when I was younger. To those young women who are happy being a wife, a mother, etc., please remember- TAKE CARE of yourself so you CAN care for others for many, many more years! Reply

Marian Nyack, NY March 10, 2010

Love your fellow Beautiful! and helpful. Reply

Ben Tzion Krasnianski March 10, 2010

Love your fellow Jew Charity begins at home. While the non-Jew is our best friend, our fellow Jew is a brother or sister. The measure of a man is how he treats his own. Someone who's a mentch and treats his closest ones with respect will be a great neighbor as well. If someone, however, is nice to strangers but he mistreats his own, that person is completely dysfunctional. For the Jew, our window to the world begins with being at peace with our Jewishness. Reply

Tommy Arcola, Illnois March 10, 2010

He says your fellow Jew. What about those who didn't come from Judah but the other tribes of Israel, or even your fellow man that isn't even from Abraham. Should you treat them different? Reply

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