A sampling of the programs you will find on Jewish.tv
With Cantor Joseph Malovany
The chazan plays a central role in the High Holiday services leading the congregation in prayer. As we prepare for Rosh Hashanah, renowned chazan, Joseph Malovany reflects on the special role of the cantor and his experience singing around the world to inspire the Jewish heart.
Today, many have achieved extraordinary material success unimaginable in times prior and have generously shared their gifts to help those in need. What compels them to distribute so much of their personal income? What causes people -- of any level of affluence -- to give away their hard-earned money?
Topics include: The symbolism of gold, silver and copper in the Tabernacle; the debate between the philosophers and the kabbalists as to whether G‑d can create a square circle; and how the scarlet, turquoise and purple wool of the tapestries of the Tabernacle represent the harmonization of G‑dly attributes in creation.
Topics include: The prohibition against extinguishing the fire on the altar as an instruction to banish negative attitudes, the Zohar's explanation of why an impure earthenware vessel must be broken to become pure again, how Aaron and his sons reached the level of holiness attained only by Isaac at the Akeida.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
Join the Talmud’s discussion as we explore and debate the subject of liability for damages and personal injury. This series will help enhance your skills in Talmudic analysis and reasoning, whilst providing a window into the style and language of the Talmud, which is also known as the Gemara. (From the third chapter of tractate Bava-Kama)
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will explore and analyze the logical arguments and the court procedures for authenticating testimony and establishing trust in witnesses. More specifically, an in-depth analysis of the logic behind two Talmudic principles that validate a claim: ‘Hapeh She’assar’ and ‘Migo’, which are discussed in the second chapter of tractate Ketubot.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Bava Batra, which focuses on the rights of privacy, the types of properties protected by privacy laws, the duties and requirements of neighbors, and the court procedures for adjudicating them.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the first chapter of tractate Pesachim, focusing on the mitzvah of searching and disposing of all chametz on the eve of Pesach— leading to the discovery of three fundamental principles related to speech, rent and mitzvah performance. Just in time for Pesach!
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This Talmud course will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Kidushin and the sixteenth chapter of tractate Shabbat, which focus on fundamental principles related to the requirements and benefits of personal involvement in the performance of a Mitzvah.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will explore the sixteenth chapter of tractate Shabbat, focusing on principles related to the bread for the Shabbat meals. In particular, we discover the origins of the Challah and the mitzvah of the ‘Two Loaves of Bread’ on Shabbat. Who knew how much wisdom there is behind the Shabbat Challah!
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This five-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the second chapter of tractate Beitzah and the third chapter of tractate Pesachim, focusing on the mechanism of the ‘Eruv Tavshilin’—a Rabbinic legal procedure allowing one to cook on the Holiday for the upcoming Shabbat.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will be exploring and analyzing the eighth chapter of tractate Yoma, focusing on the principles of ‘chatzi-shiur’ (half measure)—namely, the halachic status of prohibitions performed with less than the quantity normally required by law. A fascinating debate originating from the Talmudic discussion on Yom Kippur.
Discovering Talmudic Principles
This three-part Talmud series will analyze the principles related to sentencing; more specifically, to cases where two separate sentences are applicable: should one or more sentences be administered? These principles, known in the Talmud as ‘Kim leh bederabah mineh’, are discussed in the third chapter of tractate Ketubot.