
Chabad of Oxford Seminar - Shavuot 2021

Shavuot: The Day an Entire Nation Overslept for their Wedding
The power of sleep and the mistake the Jewish Nation made before the giving of the Torah.
Receptivity to the Infinite
How can we replicate the feelings aroused by the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai when we study Torah? A discourse on Shavout from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Obeying a Statement
Audio | 12:13
Obeying a Statement
What makes the first commandment a commandment?
When Israel Said 'We Will Do and We Will Hear'
Exploring a four year teaching by Rabbi Shalom Dovber Schneersohn, which began on Shavuot, 1912
Rashi on the Book of Ruth in the Supercommentary of the Rebbe
What is the Chabad custom regarding the reading of the book Ruth?
Naomi’s Enigmatic Silence
The value of silence.
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