5:07 Rosh Hashana and the Purpose of Life In ASL (American Sign Language) By Yehoshua Soudakoff A reflection on Rosh Hashanah that gives insight into the purpose of life, and is connected to “hide-and-seek”… Watch
1:28 A Chanukah ASL ABC Story In ASL (American Sign Language) By Darby Yosef An ASL ABC story video with a Chanukah theme. It's a great way to learn about the Chanukah story in an unique way! Watch
3:22 A Chanukah Question In ASL (American Sign Language) By Yehoshua Soudakoff This video challenges us to think twice about the reason why we light the menorah for eight nights. Watch
13:33 Purim - The Story In ASL (American Sign Language) Join Joshua as he embarks on an adventure to Shushan and learn the Purim story as he talks with the local residents. Watch
4:53 The Passover Diet In ASL (American Sign Language) Mr. Overweight searches for the ultimate diet with proven results and discovers Passover along the way… Watch
5:24 True Freedom Uncover the true meaning of freedom and how it applies to the Exodus from Egypt. Watch
4:16 A Passover Message In ASL (American Sign Language) Enjoy this humorous story that conveys an inspiring Passover message. Watch
9:10 Shavuot: The Giving of the Torah with Joshua and Yaakov in ASL (American Sign Language) By Yehoshua Soudakoff A lively discussion of what happened at Mount Sinai when G-d gave the Torah to the Jews. In American Sign Language. Watch