Inner Meaning of Mitzvot
Audio | 49:50 Advanced
A comprehensive study of the deeper meaning of the mitzvah to love your fellow Jew--Ahavat Yisroel.
Audio | 49:17 Advanced
This class explains the special importance of the mitzvah of Kibud Av Va’eim – honoring our parents.
Audio | 44:42 Advanced
This class presents a thorough understanding of the unique significance of the mitzvah of Mezuzah.
Audio | 47:52 Advanced
This class highlights our special responsibilities in attending to guests; the mitzvah of hachnassat orchim.
Audio | 45:01 Advanced
This class expounds upon the deeper meaning for the mitzvah of tzedakah and what it accomplishes.
Audio | 49:20 Advanced
This class spells out what educating our children means and its tremendous importance.
Audio | 40:43 Advanced
This class explains the deeper significance behind the mitzvah of Tevilas Kelim - immersing food vessels in a Mikvah before their use.
Audio | 52:49 Advanced
This class sets forth many insights into the mitzvah of tefillin and illuminates numerous nuances according to kabbalah.
Audio | 50:14 Advanced
This class gives us a better understanding of the mitzvah of comforting a mourner.
Audio | 45:23 Advanced
This class provides a thorough understanding of the mitzvah of teshuvah.
Audio | 47:33 Advanced
The First Mitzvah of the Torah
This class shows the tremendous importance of the first mitzvah of the torah; peru u’revu – be fruitful and multiply.
Audio | 47:29 Advanced
The Last Mitzvah of the Torah
This class presents a comprehensive analysis of the last mitzvah of the Torah which is for each individual to write a Sefer Torah.
Audio | 48:19 Advanced
This class discusses the spiritual dimension of the mitzvah of Shemitah relating to desisting from working the land.
Audio | 47:30 Advanced
This class explains the deeper significance behind the mitzvah of Shemitah in relation to the release of debts.
Audio | 50:53 Advanced
This class explains different kabbalistic insights for the mitzvah of shatnez; the prohibition to wear garments made with both wool and linen.
Audio | 48:45 Advanced
This class explains the mitzvah of not eating the gid hanasheh -- the sciatic nerve -- and how it represents the true meaning of divine providence.
Audio | 48:10 Advanced
This class discusses the great importance in keeping one’s vows and the different details involved; the mitzvah of nedarim.
Audio | 48:43 Advanced
This class discusses the special importance in observing minhagim - Jewish customs.
Audio | 46:34 Advanced
This class addresses the reason for the mitzvah of kisoy hadam; covering the blood of animals with sand after ritual slaughter.
Audio | 45:51 Advanced
This class lays out the Torah’s advice on being motivated in our observance of Torah.
Audio | 44:58 Advanced
This class explains the deeper meanings behind the different types of running that are associated with doing a mitzvah.
Audio | 47:01 Advanced
The deeper meaning behind the mitzvah of separating challah; a mitzvah of special significance for women.
Audio | 46:01 Advanced
This class details the parameters and intricacies of the seven Noahide laws; the mitzvot for all of humanity.