Igeret HaKodesh
113 items in this section
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Audio | 4:50
What builds the thighs? What builds the arms?
Audio | 3:37
How the worlds were formed from speech
Audio | 3:56
The two letter ה are deeply connected
Audio | 4:38
The fundamental difference between higher worlds and lower worlds.
Audio | 4:27
Bringing it together. Building Hashem's name.
Audio | 3:59
Innumerable mitzvot. Innumerable souls.
Audio | 4:18
Kindness versus discipline - same thing?
Audio | 3:24
When life loses balance then the approach is changed
Audio | 3:49
What would you give for your physical recovery?
Audio | 2:47
It's our incompletion that necessitates higher chesed
Audio | 4:57
No matter your type there is always chesed in there
Audio | 5:47
How the sefirot manifest in the G-dly soul
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