Tanya in Five: Sivan
Video | 6:11
1st day of Sivan
The conclusion of Book 1: Self transformation
Video | 5:57
4th day of Sivan
Part Two: Two Types of Love
Video | 4:34
5th day of Sivan
What did Moses want to implant in his people?
Video | 4:26
6th day of Sivan
Mature Love of the Righteous and Youthful Love
Video | 4:42
7th day of Sivan
Forever Your word stands…A new look at creation
Video | 6:21
8th day of Sivan
Hebrew letters are the activating force of G-d to create the universe
Video | 6:14
9th day of Sivan
The argument against those that believe G-d created the world but left it to run on it’s own
Video | 5:29
12th day of Sivan
Havayah...it's all in His Name
Video | 4:39
13th day of Sivan
The Power of Refrain...How are we separate and independent beings!
Video | 6:07
14th day of Sivan
Vessels and Light...Chessed and Gevurah
Video | 7:07
15th day of Sivan
G-d's mercy.... So we could 'see' Him
Video | 4:47
16th day of Sivan
When a parent let's go of a child is that Chessed (kindness) or Gevurah (restraint)
Video | 5:32
18th day of Sivan
The soul gives vitality to the body, G-D gives creation not only vitality but our very existence.
Video | 5:20
21st day of Sivan
Yichuda Tatta: Royalty comes 'down' to serve
Video | 6:10
22nd day of Sivan
Human knowledge is super added composite to our soul...G-d's Knowledge is a perfect oneness!
Video | 5:41
23rd day of Sivan
How do we understand Tzimtzum- 'G-d's Contraction' literally or not?
Video | 5:49
24th day of Sivan
We are all a part of the Divine Knowledge
Video | 7:13
25th day of Sivan
How was a stone and fire created... it's not in 'Creation Narrative'?!
Video | 5:25
26th day of Sivan
Let us 'not' create G-d in our image!!
Video | 6:01
27th day of Sivan
Chochma ( Wisdom) the beginning of all of creation
Video | 5:52
28th day of Sivan
Five degrees of separation in the human condition does not apply to G-d!
Video | 4:32
29th day of Sivan
Can a profound idea be touched with your hand?!
Video | 5:50
30th day of SIvan
G-d’s Wisdom & Kindness is beyond our grasp!
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