During the times of the Holy Temple – may it be rebuilt speedily – the High Priest would enter the Holy of Holies one day a year, on Yom Kippur.

That's right. He would enter the most sanctified place in this world, where G‑d's presence was revealed, on Yom Kippur. One would think that for such an event, he should be wearing his finest gold garments. As a matter of fact, when he conducted services in other parts of the Holy Temple, he did indeed wear garments of gold. However, on Yom Kippur, when entering the Holy of Holies, he wore garments of clean, white linen. Doesn't it seem strange that he wouldn't dress in his finest gold garments for his meeting with the Almighty in the Holy of Holies?

There is no difference between any of us, whether ignorant or scholarly, rich or poor The Rebbe explains that within every Jew is a spiritual Holy Temple. At times, services within our personal Holy Temple require gold garments, symbolizing the material world, and at times require linen garments, symbolizing our spiritual, pure reality. Our goal is to utilize both the physical world and our own spiritual abilities for the sake of revealing the presence of the Almighty in this world.

Amongst our people, there are those of us who are of "gold garments," meaning those to whom G‑d grants wealth. There are those of us who are of "linen garments," whose Divine service is in spiritual matters. By wearing varied garments in his service, the High Priest teaches us that no matter if one is of "gold" or "linen," spiritually inclined or wealthy, one must immerse oneself in serving the Almighty in both categories. The wealthy man must not only give generously to charity. He must also study and pray. The scholar must not only study and pray, he must also devote himself to helping others any way he can.

This is all true and good. However, within every Jew is an inner sanctum, a Divine spark which is indestructible and incorruptible, a personal Holy of Holies. At that level, all are equal. There is no difference between any of us, whether ignorant or scholarly, rich or poor or any other distinction for that matter. The High Priest wears garments of clean linen in the Holy of Holies to symbolize this common denominator between Jews. The message of the simple linen is the simple and pure relationship we all have with our Creator.

Certainly, when G‑d sees our unity based upon our commonality, He will confer upon us all a happy, healthy and sweet New Year filled with good health, happiness, prosperity and joyous hearts.