May G‑d help you fulfill the teaching of our sages, that "G‑d should be realized in every mundane thing" – as, for example, how the soul's control over the body can be recognized even in one's handwriting. (Based on the Rebbe's letter, dated Days of Elul, 1981, printed in Hechal Menachem, volume 2, p. 166.)

Welcome to the World of Graphology and join us on a magical mystical journey where a new understanding of how one writes can lead to spectacular insight and understanding not only of self but others too.

The word graphology was coined from the Greek word graph which means writing and the suffix ology which means scientific study. Graphology is the scientific study of handwriting. Ever since antiquity, many philosophers, scientists, physicians, psychiatrists, physiologists and researchers have analyzed, interpreted, and implemented handwriting analysis into their professional lives. And graphology is making huge inroads into today's marketplace.

Paris-based International Herald Tribune reported that the majority of French companies use handwriting analysis in recruiting executives. Graphology is used extensively in Canada, England, France, Germany, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and the United States.

A former head of the Israeli Police Criminal Investigations Division said that Israeli Intelligence reportedly keeps on file the graphological analyses of key Arab leaders.

Handwriting analysis has been used for 1) pre-employment screening, 2) personality and character evaluation, 3) couples compatibility, 4) relationship evaluation, 5) anti-cult, anti-missionary counseling and deprogramming, 6) drug and alcohol screening and criminal profiling 7) school evaluation for learning disability, ADD, ADHD and anger management, as well as, 8) psychological evaluation for bi-polar and other personality and depressive disorders.


Sample of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah Schneerson's handwriting
Sample of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah Schneerson's handwriting

"The second soul of a Jew is truly a part of G‑d above."(Tanya, chapter 2)

Handwriting analysis is the art and science of determining personality and character, and much more too. It is the examination of the person as a whole through the method known as gestalt graphology. Spiritual graphology is the mind/body/soul connection.

An excellent example of how the G‑dly soul is manifested in handwriting is seen in the handwritings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, of righteous memory.

I have seen no other sample of such a perfect soul-mate blend as this. When one looks for compatibility — although differences are relevant and need to be understood, as opposites do attract — it is still easier when similarities exist.

The top sample is Chaya Mushka's and the bottom is the Rebbe's. Although hundreds of traits can be analyzed, by using the gestalt method we can narrow down the analysis to a five point scale — realizing that this is but a brief summary of a perfect union.

Sample of the Rebbe's handwriting
Sample of the Rebbe's handwriting

1) Slant

Female: slightly backhand – reserved, poised, restrained.

Male: slightly right leaning – assertive, outgoing, direct.

2) Pen Pressure

Female: medium – good energy level.

Male: medium – good energy level.

3) Size

Female: small – concentration, focus, humility, control.

Male: small – same as above; plus intellect, scientific.

4) Shape

Female: angled – willpower, conviction, strength; plus pointed top of letters show keen intellect and probing mind.

Male: angled – same; plus willpower, determination, self-control and analytical penetration; some squared letters indicating an ability for architecture and engineering and a desire to protect and safeguard others.

5) Line / Distance Between Lines

Female: boundaries, clear thinking.

Male: boundaries, clear thinking.

The handwriting reflects modesty, dignity, humility and a pristine character, the gestalt is one that transcends the mundane while still maintaining a practical and realistic outlook. Ever grounded in purity, they reflect the true king and queen.

Chaya Mushka epitomized Chassidic feminism. When a woman ventures out into the world she does so in a feminine way, not as a conqueror but as a nurturer, not by battling the darkness but by revealing the Divine luminance implicit within all of G‑d's creation – by nurturing the holiness within herself, her home and community. She does this with her innerness which is the feminine traits of modesty, dignity and gentleness. The writing of Chaya Mushka Schneerson is a perfect blend of this holiness.


Fidel Castro's signature
Fidel Castro's signature

The absence of the G‑dly soul, and a strong expression of the animal soul, is exemplified in the handwriting of Fidel Castro. The animal soul is comprised of evil characteristics deriving from the four base elements: 1) fire: which rises upward, like anger and arrogance, 2) water: an appetite for pleasure, 3) air: scoffing, frivolity and boasting, 4) earth: melancholy and depression. The writing of Fidel Castro incorporates the element of fire.

One can easily see in his dark, pressured heavy hand the personality of a dictator. The upper-curved thrusting F in the top part of Fidel which ends in a slight hook backward is an example of his drive to conquer, while the angled lower part of the F, which ends in a blunt, heavy, clubbed down-stroke, speaks of his anger, and volatile and cruel nature. The entire line (ductus) is one of crude ego-driven narcissism down to his last letter in the name Castro, which ends in an underscore to complete his need for importance and recognition. His writing is one of fire manifested in anger and pride.


While there are hundreds of traits and thousands of handwritings that can be analyzed, we will focus more on what is positive in relationships.

Chesed is loving kindness, giving, receiving and going beyond the self. It is the ability to experience another and allow them to experience you. Love is transcendence. In handwriting it is open, flowing, spontaneous and has fluid movement. In English the slant is to the right, in Hebrew to the left.

Sample of the Rebbe Rashab's handwriting
Sample of the Rebbe Rashab's handwriting

In this magnificent sample of Sholom Dov Ber, fifth Chabad Rebbe, penned at the birth of his granddaughter, we see the magnificent open, flowing spontaneity of exhilaration, joy and depth of expression. The writing is fluid, quick, rounded with an excited rhythm and strong sense of purpose. Some of the dark spots in the pen pressure are indications of his great warmth and passion and emotional receptivity.

Gevurah stands for strength and withdrawal. Judgment combined with discipline and discernment. The positive quality of gevurah allows for deep concentration, focus, intelligent decision-making and the superior ability for self-control and will-power. We have no better example than the handwriting of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, author of the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch. His small angled script and perfect lines testifies to his genius, impeccable humility and brilliant mind.


Sample of the Baal Shem Tov's handwriting
Sample of the Baal Shem Tov's handwriting

The trait of tiferet incorporates the balance between chesed and gevurah showing balance, harmony and beauty.

The Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement and a mystic of unparalleled brilliance, was renowned for his remarkable Ahavat Yisrael, love for every Jew. Interestingly, in his writings he portrays all the qualities of tiferet. It has flow, harmony, rhythm and symmetry.

Man by nature is a selfish creature. Even in his relationship to others, he tends to focus primarily on himself. The ultimate love, which combines chesed and gevurah, is the endeavor to transcend this intrinsic selfishness and truly relate to one's fellow. It is the journey to be sensitive to and devoted to the needs of the other—a balance of the love of chesed and the discipline and humility of gevurah.

Ahavat Yisroel, love of a fellow Jew, is the first gate leading into the palace of G‑d. To the Baal Shem Tov, Avahat Yisroel was not the refusal to see the deficiencies of the individual, but an unequivocal love regardless of their spiritual state.

Graphology which incorporates and harmonizes the mind/body/soul connection can be a window into the soul of man.