
Song of the Soul

A column exploring deeper insights of prayer

An ongoing series focusing on women's prayers throughout the ages, and what we can learn from women about the impact of prayer.
Prayer: Becoming Attuned to G-d
I learned that if I needed life-saving dialysis, I would make time for it. And that is how I want to relate to you. Not like a chore. And not like a luxury. But like life-saving oxygen.
What You Need to Do Before You Pray
By joining forces, prayer won’t be fractured.
Eavesdrop and Listen to the Song of the Soul
The G‑dly soul intuitively feels the excitement and wants to sing with joy. What about the animal soul?
The Trickle-Down Effect
Who is pulling your soul with thick cords of love?
Undoing the Distortions of a Dream
Our feelings are generated as a direct result of our thoughts.
The Secret to True Love of ... G-d
We may have knowledge of G‑d’s existence, a general theoretical awareness of it, but if the light is not on, we can stumble.
Seeing With Your Mind’s Eye
Prayer is an exercise of the imagination.
Attachment Theory 2.0
How can we be free from our deep enmeshment with physicality and its trappings, and the “highs” we experience from it?
What Humans Can Do Better Than Angels
It takes the human experience, where there is a void of G‑d’s absolute truth, to appreciate and recognize the absolute truth.
A Rooster Awakening: Praying for a Spiritual Wake-up Call
The spiritual rooster above knows not only the difference between darkness and light but between goodness and bad, revelation and concealment. We could all use some of that discernment in our lives.
What’s the Point of Life on Earth?
How does the soul free itself from its desert state?
Holy Thirst Quencher
While G‑d’s light might be “hidden” in a tent-like fashion, He has given us an exact prescription for access to His great love by doing actual good deeds.
Counterpressure: What Is the Purpose of All My Struggles?
The soul is not here for itself, but to refine and elevate the animal soul.
Why Is the Contemporary Prayer Book So Long?
During the days of the First Temple, no formal prayer was needed.
The Daily Time to Escape This World (and Return With Greater Vigor)
After praying with such fervor, the soul feels able and determined to return to its daily tasks.
Prayer and Financial Success
No matter your industry, generating an income entails work. Is that compatible with deep spirituality?
Spiritual Physics
What do you do with this powerful love and desire for G‑d, awakened during prayer as a result of our challenges?
Is There Something Beyond Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs?
It is not enough to live a good life because our intellect or hierarchy dictates so; we need to take that self and transcend it.
We Are Just Pixels of Light
Prayer is called a war. We don’t actively fight the bad; instead, we engrave the truth of G-d’s Oneness into our psyche and the fact that everything in our life is being recreated by G-d at every moment.
Upping the Spiritual Dose
We pray to G‑d to help us experience Him and feel Him in a way that relates to our experience.
What Does Our Spiritual Battle Accomplish?
Only darkness can be the catalyst for the greatest love of G‑d.
What Does G-d Need From Us Mortals?
What can we provide that an infinite G‑d would possibly need?
Why Doesn’t the Torah Tell Us to Pray?
Let’s take a deeper look at the function of prayer.
What Is Your Deepest Need?
G‑dly light is spiritual, and it needs physical vessels to be drawn into.
Get Your Morning Infusion
Where does the energy come from?
Say It Like You Mean It
It’s hard to wake up in the morning feeling spiritual. We need to get ourselves into the mode.
Why Is Prayer Crucial to Fulfilling Your Purpose on Earth?
Through prayer, we draw down G‑d’s essence, unleashing the great light and establishing the reflection in the relationship.
How Does Prayer Replicate Sacrifices?
There is another purpose to daily prayer that is relevant to everyone.
How to Get Your Animal Soul to Buy In
When the animal soul’s true essence is revealed, it can disengage from physical pleasures and pine after spirituality.
What Should You Feel When You Pray?
Prayer is about developing this relationship with G‑d, and experiencing real emotions of the G‑dly soul.
Total Transformation: The Shema Prayer Meditation
While the prayers preceding the Shema are important, it is the Shema prayer itself that transforms the animal soul into loving G‑d.
Victory Over Instinct
There is a battle of connection versus disconnection, selflessness versus selfishness. There is a desire to transcend, to be holy and altruistic, along with a tug to enjoy corporal pleasure and be short-sighted.
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