
Videos on Mishneh Torah

Maimonides - Not for Scholars Only
All Jews should unite through Torah, by studying the same subject in Torah at the same time. Since Torah's practical laws are relevant and comprehensible by Jews of all backgrounds, we suggested a cycle of daily study of Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah.
On Learning Rambam
The Mishneh Torah was not written only for great Torah scholars. Maimonides himself writes that he composed it in a clear unambiguous style for all Jews – “for small and great alike.”
The Book Every Jew Needs to Know
A historical walk through 800 years of history of Rambam and his Mishneh Torah.
The Oxford Manuscript of Mishneh Torah
Director of the Chabad Society at Oxford University, Rabbi Eli Brackman, discusses the Oxford library's treasured manuscript of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah and what makes it unique.
What Learning Rambam Accomplishes
The Unique Contribution of Mishneh Torah
The unique accomplishment of Maimonides in codifying and grouping together all of the legal rulings of the Talmud.
Rambam: Introduction Part 1
Forty Generations from Moses to the Talmudic Sages
Background of Mishneh Torah
Studies in Maimonides: Lesson 3
A perspective for understanding the sheer magnitude of Maimonides' accomplishments in codifying the entire body of Jewish law.
Structure and Contents of Mishneh Torah
Studies in Maimonides: Lesson 4
A description of the style and format Maimonides chose for composing his magnum opus, the complete codex of Jewish law known as Mishneh Torah.
From Moses to Moses: Discovering the Rambam
What makes the Rambam’s teachings so unique? In this first lesson, we travel through time and space—from Mt. Sinai to Jerusalem to 12th century Spain—to understand the Rambam’s place in Jewish history. Join us as we take our first steps into The Rambam Revolution, uncovering the timeless wisdom of the Rambam.
Daily Study of Maimonides
25 Iyar, 5747 • May 24, 1987
The daily study of Maimonides’ works is becoming increasingly widespread. The Mishneh Torah, his Magnum Opus that codifies Jewish Law, serves to guide all Jews through the intricacies of Jewish observance. It is not geared for scholars alone. It guides “small and great alike,” as they pursue their life tasks.
All of Torah in Your Hand
20 Teves, 5749 · December 28, 1988
Maimonides writes in the introduction to his Code of Jewish law that if one studies the five Books of Moses and goes straight to studying his code, he will know all of Jewish law, of both the Written and Oral Torah. This means that the scope of Maimonides’ codification is beyond anything that ever preceded or followed it!
Evolution of Torah
The campaign to study Maimonides
In 1984, the Rebbe initiated a campaign for the daily study of Maimonides’ seminal work, the Mishneh Torah, with the aim of completing the fourteen volumes over the course of a year.
Ashkenazic Versions of Prayers and Blessings in Maimonides' Codes
How censorship and corrupted manuscripts changed the prayers found in Mishneh Toah
Suprarationalism in the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Reading of Maimonides
Adapted from a talk marking the conclusion of Mishneh Torah, delivered on 27 Adar I 5746 (1986).
The Commentary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on Maimonides' Mishneh Torah and on Rashi—A Common Approach
The unique approach of the Rebbe, as applied to these two classic works.
The Role of History in Maimonidean Law
Why do historical accounts appear in Maimonides' legal code?
An analysis of Maimonides' use of historiography as an introduction to law. Examples from the Laws of Foreign Worship, the Laws of Megillah and Chanukah, and from the closing chapter of Mishneh Torah.
Necessary Being and Prime Mover
Philosophy in Maimonides' Legal Code
Although Maimonides' Mishneh Torah is a codification of Jewish law (halacha), we find places in this work where Maimonides addresses philosophical or theological ideas as well. Textual analysis of Maimonides' Hilchos Yesodei HaTorah (Laws [which are] the Foundations of the Torah.)
A Brief Overview of the Most Important Manuscript of Mishneh Torah
The Manuscript known as Huntigton 80
The Liability of a Borrower to Repay Damage
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 1
Analysis of a manuscript written in Maimonides' own hand. How the structure of the law in draft form differs from the final text. Formerly on display in the exhibition, 'Marks Of Genius' in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Textual Annotations on an Employee’s Responsibility
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 2
Analysis of a manuscript written in Maimonides' own hand. How the structure of the law in draft form differs from the final text. Formerly on display in the exhibition, 'Marks Of Genius' in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
Textual Annotations on the Liability of a Borrower
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 3
Analysis of a manuscript written in Maimonides' own hand. How the structure of the law in draft form differs from the final text. Formerly on display in the exhibition, 'Marks Of Genius' in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
The Halachic Status of a Loan
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 4
Marriage, loans and the holiday of Sukkot, and the unlikely link between the three, in light of a textual addition to a manuscript draft of Mishneh Torah in the author's own hand.
Prophecy in the Thought of Maimonides
Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 5
How a variation in the Oxford Manuscript of Mishneh Torah sheds light on Maimonides position on prophecy.
Hope and Healing from the Rambam
Inspiration from the teachings and wisdom of Maimonides on the topic of medicine and healthy living.
Levels of Simcha on Purim
Video | 53:41
Levels of Simcha on Purim
Contrasting Three of the Purim Mitzvahs
This class deeply analyzes various passages where Maimonides describes the parameters for observing three of the special Purim mitzvahs: rejoicing at a feast, sending food gifts to friends, and giving monetary gifts to the poor. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 16, pp. 365-372)
Where is the Holy Ark?
Video | 43:29
Where is the Holy Ark?
A Textual Analysis of Maimonides' Mishneh Torah
A precise textual analysis of ch. 4, halacha 1 of Rambam's "Laws of the Chosen House" (Hilchos Beis HaBechira) considers the historical role of the Ark in the Temple as well as its location today. (Based on Likutei Sichos vol. 21)
Maimonides and Moshiach
A Vision of a Perfect World
At the conclusion of his magnum opus, Mishneh Torah, Maimonides describes the world as it will be after the coming of Moshiach by saying "the sole occupation of the whole world will be to know G-d." What kind of reality does this describe? Is it something we can envision now?
The Unconditional Promise of the Exodus
Must a prophecy come true? Can G-d retract a promise? Exploring Maimonides' Mishneh Torah in manuscript.
The Unique Prophecy of Moses According to Maimonides
Mishneh Torah in Manuscript, Part 7
A divergence in an authenticated manuscript, highlights the importance of a single letter.
Rambam: Introduction Part 1
Rambam: Introduction Part 2
Rambam: Introduction Part 3
Rambam: Positive Commandments Part 1
Rambam: Positive Commandments Part 2
Rambam: Positive Commandments Part 3
Rambam: Negative Commandments Part 1
Rambam: Negative Commandments Part 2
Rambam: Negative Commandments Part 3
Rambam: Listing of Mitzvot Part 1
Rambam: Listing of Mitzvot Part 2
Rambam: Listing of Mitzvot Part 3
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 1
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 2
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 3
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 4
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 5
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 6
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 7
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 8
Rambam: Yesodei haTorah, Chapter 9
The most renowned of the Jewish medieval scholars, Maimonides indelibly changed the face of Judaism. Read about his scholarship and achievements, and the modern-day global campaign to incorporate his teachings into every Jew’s daily study schedule.
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